Author Topic: Chase Weir - Professional idiot?  (Read 291 times)

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Re: Chase Weir - Professional idiot?
« on: December 17, 2009, 08:58:29 PM »
Just reading about the "Freeway Horror" - for those who live under a rock, a Chase Weir (Allegedly male) managed to drive 50k's down a freeway with the cruise control jammed on - complete with hysterical cheerleader screaming on "000" - the whole nine yards. He even rang Ford for christsake! (Imagine being the helpdesk girl who copped that call!)

Of course once he stopped screaming - he actually remembered the ignition switch...

No - he couldn't put the car into neutral - no he couldn't turn the key off (For 54km)...

 !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@ !!@

I nominate this guy for a Darwin Award - "awarded to those who improve the gene-pool by removing themselves from it"

What a knob - what an pathetic excuse for a man! The worst part is - he obviously drives around here somewhere!  :tumble:

I agree with your sentiments but you are overlooking a couple of things. That vehicle 'locks' the ignition key once you put the car in gear and it is not physically possible to turn it to the off position - seconly (just to make it more interesting) once the vehicle is moving you cannot select neutral - I think (but don't know) that you CAN select a lower gear but it will not allow you to select neutral.

I don't think the issue is entirely his fault as the car has a lot of issues BUT he is surely a dickhead for phoning for help?????
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