The Aussie Pinball Arcade

Aussie Pinball Forums => General Discussion => General Pinball Discussion => Topic started by: morgo on November 26, 2014, 12:22:27 PM

Title: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: morgo on November 26, 2014, 12:22:27 PM
     after opinions on converting SS games to led instead of globes. I have a lost world & phoenix , looking to replace bulbs with LED but have Q`s.
        1. - would you use the same for backglass , GI and playfield . if so what brand/type are people using.
        2. - has anyone already done this for either of these pins ?- could you post a pic? are you happy with result.

 looking for bang for buck - Am I just better off staying with bulbs #47?

 it seems to me most LED upgrades are later machines.
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Caveoftreasures on November 26, 2014, 12:48:40 PM
Hi. I have a Phoenix.
I found std 44 bulbs all round better for this era. 47 are not bright enough.
Same for GI and inserts and backbox.
The brand new 44 candescents make the game come alive and stay true to the original look and feel of the 1978 Phoenix. I only use Leds in DMD machines.

If you use Leds in a Phoenix it changes the entire look to a 90,s game, not a orig 78 game.
Once you see the game original, when u convert to Leds, u can't get the orig look out of your head and it plays on your mind. Lol
If your backglass is in great condition, and the game is only on for a few hours every now and then, go to 44 for brighten things up. If you leave the game on a lot for very long periods, then use cool white LEDs in the backbox.  I buy all my Leds from Tery at Pinball Life in USA at min of 100 a time in same type n colour and the discounts and savings are huge. Don't buy kits from anyone cause they are a rip off.

Can't take pics of Phoenix cause it's behind other pins and it's not accessible at moment.
If you do go to LEDs and want a much more modern look and want to play, buy a sample kit from Pinball Life or whoever and use different colours in 555 and 44 style colours and have a play. U can change insert colours from White to a colour or leave white, same for GI and backbox.

Have some fun with it. Try all 44 bright candescents and if u feel u want more, then go to LEDs and experiment with cool white for white, then single Led type Leds for inserts and GI. Do not go for super bright or anything over single Led style cause it's massive overkill.
See how you go.
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Toads on November 26, 2014, 01:48:17 PM
When they start making LEDs that look like incandescents I'll use them.
Right now LEDs in a lot of SS look crap.
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Boots on November 26, 2014, 02:07:40 PM
If you do try to avoid coloured leds, go for warm white as it is the closest colour to incandescent bulbs.
Definitely worth it behind your backglass as it saves some potential heat damage from the bulbs.
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Pop Bumper Pete on November 26, 2014, 02:15:27 PM
I'd go for it, its only money
I think some colored LEDs for the GI, and different colors under the inserts of your Lost World would look great
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Caveoftreasures on November 26, 2014, 03:01:18 PM
Forgot to add, Only red ,blue or green coloured Leds work well behind the same coloured inserts.

Purple, yellow, orange and pink are a complete waste of money and ineffective unless u use super brights which are to bright for anything than a DMD.
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Pop Bumper Pete on November 26, 2014, 04:10:18 PM
Forgot to add, Only red ,blue or green coloured Leds work well behind the same coloured inserts.

Purple, yellow, orange and pink are a complete waste of money and ineffective unless u use super brights which are to bright for anything than a DMD.

Most of the time I would agree, but I think yellow and orange might work in Lost World
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Caveoftreasures on November 26, 2014, 06:50:46 PM
Yeh I trust Pete on the Lost World pinny as he knows that title and the playfield colours.
Go with his Recco for sure.  ^^^
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: morgo on November 26, 2014, 09:31:59 PM
thanks for your ideas- i might try some for inserts first to bring up the colour then play with these in GI.
the backglass is where i worry about mucking up the look.
any recommendation on brand - ablase 1 are cheap and supposed to be a globe substitute
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Pop Bumper Pete on November 27, 2014, 05:43:53 PM
not sure what brand I have used
but yes, buy 20 red, green and blue, and warm white. and see how you go
the backbox can wait for another day
Title: Re: LED`s for early SS games
Post by: Toads on November 28, 2014, 04:41:46 PM
In the Ballys the controlled lights will need to be modified to get them to work.