Author Topic: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - 55 - RaptorLawyer  (Read 3780 times)

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Re: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - 55 - RaptorLawyer
« on: January 15, 2010, 04:03:43 PM »
1. Earliest pinball memory? Playing a Cosmic Princess and Freddy's Nightmare at my Uncles house. Ever since i was about 6 or 7 i was always making up reasons to visit him!! I also remember whenever there was a party at timezone or NRG that i was the only kid playing Pinball whilst everyone else was shooting things or cheating on redemption games. Naturally i broke it all up by also playing ALOT of daytona!!

2. All time favorite pin? Why? This is a tough one. Obviously everyone knows i have a thing for Jurassic Park. I think it plays great, sounds great, has plenty of different modes so is a fantastic game to have in a pinball collection that will never exceed one or two machines.

3. Favorite pinball manufacture? I try not to judge machines by their manufacturer as i feel preconceived feelings towards games often leave you with a biased opinion of them. That said, Data East and Williams would probably be the companies that produce many of the titles I enjoy most. Being a bunch younger than most folk here I guess it's because i've grown up with many of the movie themes they incorporate.

4. Favorite game in your collection? Why? Jurassic Park, love the theme, love the machine, my room is covered in JP memoribilia.

5. How long have you been collecting? I bought my first machine when i was 19, its been two years since then.

6. First game and how did you find it? First game was a Bally Party Zone. Was good to start on, nice and simple layout, fun game, easy to understand. A great first pin.

7. Do you still have it? Negative. Sold it to fund my next pin. Was frustratingly hard to find a few particular parts.

8. What are you currently working on? Working on getting more shifts so i can buy a second machine.  *%*

9. Most wanted game to add to your collection? I would really like to get a WH20 or RFM. Outside of pinball i would love to get a twin daytona - thats the dream! I would give my left nut for a daytona  #@#

10. Best all time bargain game added to your collection? I bought a 29" brand new candy cab for $255 whcih i thought was pretty good. Everytime i see something semi good value it appears someone from the forums snapped it up by either finding it in some local paper or calling at some ungodly hour! haha

11. Worst ever miss – tell us about the one that got away! Haven't had a miss as much as a crazyily frustrating experience. Put a deposit down for a container pin in in June and I still don't have the machine due to various dramas. I think i'm doing pretty well to be as patient as I am about it.

12. Worst ever purchase – tell us about the game you wished you never bought. Haven't made too bad a mistake yet. *Fingers crossed!!*

13. Describe your collection. Small, it takes alot of dedication and nights as designated driver to purchase a machine when earning $250 a week and having to pay bills and such. I wish i had the income to buy more, but when i finish studying hopefully that time comes!

14. Describe your gamesroom: Still living at home I am not blessed with the privelage of a shed or cave but merely have my old childhool bedroom. Its about 4x3m so its really quite small and cant hold more than 3 or 4 machines. That said, the wall is covered in Jurassic Park gear and about 20 posters from the NBA in the 1990's. Love my basketball too!

15. Do you have other games other than pinball? I have a 1069 in 1 MAME machine, a soft drink/beer vending machine and a TROG jamma cabinet.

16. Where can you see the hobby in 10 years? I don't feel that confidendtly that machines will still being produced. Personally I feel Stern is almost pissing on the grave of comercial pinball by producing unimaginative, cheap looking and boring pins (outside of spiderman) so i feel the market for new pins may soon be gone. That said, a hobby with such a helpful, generous and supportive community such as this - i'm sure we will find a way to keep it alive!!  ^^^

Hopefully you guys enjoyed that. Sadly i don't quite have the history of growing up with the EM's like many of you, but hopefully its a nice change of pace!
Kill each-other nicely please.