Aussie Pinball Forums > Nucore

Nucore Complete! Now Available.

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I would like to own a Revenge from Mars one day, and knowing that Nucore is out there means that there is no fear of the computer or prism card dying - OK, only wallet fear, I guess.

Well done, guys!

Pinball Fixers:
This is GREAT news Chuck!

I have a SW Ep1 here with a dead computer and monitor... might talk the customer into purchasing the Nucore system just so I can test it  :D


Actually, this is a bit of a milestone in recent Pinball history. The contribution you guys have made is very significant, I'm sure this will be proven in time to be THE biggest development since WMS closed it's doors.


You are killing me now, you know that. I am dying to get a P2K Revenge From Mars and this is just making it that much better.

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

--- Quote from: PinWiz on August 30, 2009, 03:59:44 AM ---You are killing me now, you know that. I am dying to get a P2K Revenge From Mars and this is just making it that much better.

--- End quote ---
The trick is find one that has a dead computer (usually from an op) and buy it before they find out about nucore ;-)


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