Author Topic: Tobbaco Tax Hike. W.T.F?  (Read 869 times)

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Re: Tobbaco Tax Hike. W.T.F?
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2010, 03:42:39 PM »
so if all of us smokers gave up then where would the Gov' get all the money for its health upgrades?
I don't agree to the 70% thing either, if you go into the E.R. on a friday or saturday night it is full of idiots who can't handle their alcohol & idiots with Illegal drug related problems.
If they really wanted to get people to quit then they would subsidies all the quit smoking products with the tobbaco tax.
And as some one mentioned the Gov' relies on smokers smoking.
Their are many ways to stop people from smoking, I like bretts idea about making people see a doctor, but they should get the doctors to ween people off the tabbaco. the tobbaco black market will thrive for a while but if they make all smoking products illegal (papers, filters, filter tubes) then most people will give up. some people will still continue to smoke chop chop, you wont be able to stop that but it will also stop a lot of teenagers from starting the habbit in the first place.

Also they can raise the age for tobbaco sales to 21.

I enjoy having a smoke but i hate being a slave to them, and I hate what they are doing to my health.

another thing the Gov' should do is change the process that is used to make the tobbaco (all the chemicals that are used in the processing stage). I am sure they could make the way that it is processed healthier.

It comes down to why is the government allowing this product to be sold? people say its because of democracy, but there are less smokers than non smokers. and if this was the case then you would be able to by marijuana because you have a choice. then our hospitals would need more psychiatric facilities to accomodate all the extra dope smokers.
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