Author Topic: P3 Pinball - pre-orders being taken for Lexy Lightspeed  (Read 55155 times)

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Offline Pinprick

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I am a big fan of Multimorphic's truly groundbreaking approach to pinball  *%* *%* *%*
Despite being an older dude myself, I reckon that pinball has always been and should continue being dynamic & cutting edge.
It's inevitable that there will be some departures from "traditional" layouts and furniture. Machines have been developing all along, from battery powered countertops to woodrails to EM's to solid state to 90's era to Pin 2K. Why should things stagnate?

I personally have no ambitions/capabilities to mess with programming or game development (happy to rely on Gerry and maybe others) but I'd be very keen to fiddle around with artwork and physical modifications.

Another refreshing aspect of Multimorphic is their  "no money down" version of pre-orders particularly in light of recent events.

I'm seriously entertaining selling a couple of my games to finance one of these babies, especially considering that they can be changed out &c so readily & quickly.
Another salient point for me is the enormous space savings given a smallish house.

One question: is there any inkling of pricing and method of acquisition at this stage?
Perhaps this might become clear at the Texas festival tomorrow . . . .
"I don't operate on a level playing field"