Author Topic: Stern's Next Pin - TWD 2014 / 2015  (Read 29621 times)

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Re: Stern's Next Pin - TWD 2014 / 2015
« Reply #150 on: October 02, 2014, 06:52:08 PM »
This might sound fun n strange at the same time to any of you who are dads and have kids.
My 5 year old son loves watching The Walking Dead with me and although I was against him seeing zombies etc, his mum had watched it with him a lot before I knew and he wasn't scared of the zombies but more excited to see the crew on the movie running them over etc.
So like his mum, and totally unlike me, he likes scary stuff and doesn't get scared during the night when he goes to bed etc. I don't mind shows like The Walking Dead but I hate all other really scary suspense movies, they really freak me out and I do wake up with nightmares etc.

Anyway, I was getting to the fact that my son asks me where the zombies are at night times. He asks how come we never see any around our house at night or when we are driving at night. Even though I told him its only a TV show, he says that's boring and he still wants to find some and run them over for fun. So I told him I know a special place where they hang around. I told him they only ever wait at shopping centres of a night time. (Waiting for women who spend up big on their husbands credit cards I should have thrown in for the fun of
I chose the shopping centre for a few good reasons.
Firstly, all quiet at night and no one around. I can drive around the shopping centre a bit crazy and not break any road rules. And here comes the convenient and well placed speed humps galore.....  I drive over a speed bump and tell Hunter that I just ran over a zombie. He gets excited and laughs and has a jolly good old time thinking we just have run over zombies. Its a simple trick but we have lots of fun doing it. Lol

After about ten speed humps (now flattened zombies) we head home with Hunter declaring the suburb is safe until our next mission. We stopped on the side of the road and there was a garbage bin all messed up and spread all over the place. Hunter declared that the zombies were hungry and had done it. We were just about to drive off and Hunter started calling out Zombie Zombie. There's a zombie in the bush.
I got out the torch and to my surprise there was a kangaroo staring at us from apx 10 metres away. It scared the hell out of me cause its eyes lit up bright in the torch. For a few seconds I almost forgot zombies weren't real.
Anyway, I told my son were buying a new zombie pinball. He was very happy, then went sad. I said what's wrong, he said "we are still going to drive around and kill zombies aren't we daddy"....
I said yes ofcourse. So I am wondering who is going to enjoy Sterns new pinny more, me or my five year old son..... L

Unf*^ing believable   ^&^ ^&^

The reason its MA15+ is not because young kids might get scared, its because of the high level graphic violence FFS. Only a completely f*^ked up twat would think that its fine for a 5yr old to watch and then go re-enact the scenes in their car.
Holy crap!

It's no different to the cartoons kids watch full of play acting and he knows its make believe which is why we pretend and have a little fun with it. My son at five has more brains than certain adults.....As usual, I will ignore your personal and insulting comments. Didn't take u long did it. Stick to talking about pinball Gavin. Don't ever talk about me or my son ever again. I won't tell u ever again.

All good Brett...LOl- you had to un ignore me to read the post!

Just make sure you mention your antics at the child custody hearing, im sure they'll be very interested