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Kenny VS Spenny

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Anyone seen this show ?

It's on Pay TV, but episodes are on youtube..

I have watched a few episodes, and I have never seen anything like them. Two "best friends" who compete against each other and the winner gets to "humiliate" the loser.. Sounds simple..NOT... Here are some of the episode titles ;

 Who can stay awake the longest
 Who can live in a van the longest
 Who can stay blindfolded the longest
 Who can stay naked the longest
 Who can make a better porno
 Who can blow the biggest fart
 First guy to get a boner loses

Look them up on youtube... Some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen  %.%


They run it here on comedy central.  80% of the time it's very funny.  There hasn't been a new episode in a while though.


Season 5 airs in Canada on the 20th October..

Pisser!  :D


Season 5 Episode 1 is on Youtube... I saw it today..

Who can keep a dump in their pants the longest 

 %.% %.%


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