The Aussie Pinball Arcade

Aussie Pinball Forums => Restorations => Topic started by: Mr Pinbologist on October 01, 2008, 09:17:37 PM

Title: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 01, 2008, 09:17:37 PM
Hi again all, Just thought id put up a few before and after pics of my 1969 Gottlieb MIBS. I bought this one about 15 years ago for just $20! Look at the before pics and you'll see why...
Some tool went spastic with the red, blue and gold paint!!! They even painted all of the lamps red!! I was unable to save the artwork under this mess, but luckily i was able to find detailed pics on the net of the cabinet artwork. It was left in ths state until about two years ago when i completely stripped the game for a full restoration.

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Here are the parts that i sent out to be rechromed. Front door, coin entry, coin reject buttons, legs and shooter assembly surround.
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And heres the results after about five months and several hunderd dollars. Once again not perfect but i'm pretty happy with the end results.
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Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on October 01, 2008, 09:24:56 PM


That is sensational. Great Restore ! How many hours did it take to complete ?

Did you use acetate sheets for stencils, friskit or some kind of commercial stencil ?

That playfield looks really nice - is it clearcoated ?

I'm really pleased to see the end result...  #*# #*# #*#
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 01, 2008, 09:36:15 PM
Thanks heaps for the positive comments. How many hours???? lets just say nearly every weekend and after work for the 5 month period from start to finish. I use white cardboard for my stencils (bought from the newsagents) weighing them down so they sit flat. Because i had no artwork to trace i had to draw them onto the cardboard to cut out. The playfield is mylar covered.. as are all of my machines i've restored.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: pinnies4me on October 02, 2008, 07:54:01 AM
Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Creech on October 02, 2008, 08:41:23 AM
Very nice! I'm amazed by the patience some of you guys have. I guess that's the key - patience and being able to visualize the end result.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on October 02, 2008, 09:45:03 AM

Thats the first I've ever heard of the cardboard method. I think it is called "Poster board" ? From memory it is white on one side and grey on the other - or am I thinking of something else..

All the same - the machine looks great. Nothing like seeing a basket case machine restored into showroom condition.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 02, 2008, 11:51:13 AM
thanks again. Yeah its just plain white thin cardboard (posterboard), pretty much the same thing. It does the job well so long as you keep it flat, and cheap too.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ktm450 on October 03, 2008, 12:31:54 PM
Looks great Mitch ^^^
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 03, 2008, 01:24:53 PM
I just added a few pics to my original post.. Thought you all might like to see a few more before and after shots....
Cheers.... Mitch
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on October 03, 2008, 02:06:07 PM

Is that a mirror or a door ?  :D

Looks great - was it expensive to rechrome the door, legs etc ?
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Pinball Fixers on October 03, 2008, 02:33:05 PM
WOW!!! That's an awesome job! Well done!
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 04, 2008, 10:35:02 AM

Is that a mirror or a door ?  :D

Looks great - was it expensive to rechrome the door, legs etc ?

It cost about $300 to get all of the chrome redone... that was about 3 yrs ago. I probably could've got it cheaper than that if i'd done some of the preparation work removed the rust/paint etc.

Thanks everyone for your great comments! I'll start a few more posts for some of my other machines and maybe do new ones for Mibs and Lectronamo and go into more detail...

Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Retropin on October 04, 2008, 10:55:47 AM
I have to admit - i do like the chromed finish on a pinny, although it does get a bit expensive. A cheaper alternative is to have it all zinc plated. Not quite as high a shine as chrome but certainly easier on the $$.

Im chasing a bally 1968 that has full restore and chrome everywhere at the moment.
I guess we are simple creatures - give us shine and twinkling lights and we go all gooey!!!
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Creech on October 04, 2008, 11:01:58 AM
Hey mitch, is your avatar your collection? If so, bloody awesome!  ^^^
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 04, 2008, 11:07:24 AM
Hey mitch, is your avatar your collection? If so, bloody awesome!  ^^^

Yeah... part of it. there are four more against the opposite wall out of camera, and one (my home made one) in my lounge room! I've pretty much run outta room in the garage... still have to get my car in there
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on October 04, 2008, 11:55:43 AM

Hey Mitch - I'd love to see a thread documenting one of your restores. If not more !!

Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Creech on October 04, 2008, 01:39:23 PM
Ditto!  %$%
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 11, 2008, 10:49:04 AM
No worries, will do! I just need to go thru my pics and see what i've got for which machines. I took heaps of pics for all of my restores but some might be unuseable, because they were taken before i had my digital camera
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on October 11, 2008, 11:21:13 AM
No worries, will do! I just need to go thru my pics and see what i've got for which machines. I took heaps of pics for all of my restores but some might be unuseable, because they were taken before i had my digital camera

I know the feeling. Took me a while, but I ended up sorting through all of the pictures and "cataloging" them. I found some pictures I didn't know I had and it was a fun trip down memory lane... I look forward to one of your documented restores  #*#
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: jyebow on October 21, 2008, 04:55:06 PM
Hey Mitch,
Great restore. How'd you touch up that backglass ? it looks great compared to the before pic.
Well done. Another GTB em saved. ^^^
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on October 21, 2008, 08:07:29 PM
I used water based acrylic paints.. same techniques as documented in Clay's pinball repair guides. Luckily most of the damage was in unlit (opaque) areas so it wasnt too bad to do. The touchups arent perfect by any means.. but anything is better than how it looked before.. :lol.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: illawarra_steelers on December 12, 2008, 01:45:42 PM

OMG - that is 2 restorations that have totally blown me away within 24 hours! MIBS - what a fantastic looking pin - and the job you did on the restoration, full credit to you. These types of posts are very inspiration and I'm busting to get home to work on my Picnic from 1958 tonight!

Did you know you can buy repro backglass animation balls from PBR? and

They also were making blue and purple, I have 3 of each colour in mine, looks soooo cool - 3 red, 3 blue, 3 purple and 3 white. They are only US$2 each and make the backglass come alive.

Highly recommended!

Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on December 12, 2008, 01:56:23 PM
Thanks Tony, glad you like!!! ^^^ Not bad for a game i picked up for $20 hey? %.%
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: jyebow on December 12, 2008, 06:44:51 PM
Only $20 !! Mitch're killing me.
Man I'm doing all the Garage sales tomorrow
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on December 12, 2008, 09:55:17 PM
Only $20 !! Mitch're killing me.
Man I'm doing all the Garage sales tomorrow

That was at a time when they were considered worthless though... when even SS games could be had for $50. I can remember hearing stories of pins being taken to the rubbish tip!! Twice i was told this by different people, about them having seen pins at the tip, and both times i was too late to save them... they'd been crushed under the bulldozer before i got there !!!
BUT.. they ARE out there... in garages broken down and crap all over them, with owners who have no idea what they're worth. just a matter of stumbling across them
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on December 12, 2008, 10:36:22 PM

Yep - Seen that in the late 80s.. Dad was an ex op and we had 2 - 3 truckloads of system ones backed out straight to the tip. NO ONE wanted them - not even for free back in those days.. The only reason I scored the Solar Ride was because he "lost" it right up the back of the storage building. I also found the Meteor I restored... In 100 pieces..

Sad but it was a "sign of the times"... !!!
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ktm450 on December 12, 2008, 11:16:26 PM

Yep - Seen that in the late 80s.. Dad was an ex op and we had 2 - 3 truckloads of system ones backed out straight to the tip. NO ONE wanted them - not even for free back in those days.. The only reason I scored the Solar Ride was because he "lost" it right up the back of the storage building. I also found the Meteor I restored... In 100 pieces..

Sad but it was a "sign of the times"... !!!

Very dissapointing  !@#
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: illawarra_steelers on December 13, 2008, 07:51:53 AM

Yep - Seen that in the late 80s.. Dad was an ex op and we had 2 - 3 truckloads of system ones backed out straight to the tip. NO ONE wanted them - not even for free back in those days.. The only reason I scored the Solar Ride was because he "lost" it right up the back of the storage building. I also found the Meteor I restored... In 100 pieces..

Sad but it was a "sign of the times"... !!!

Yes they were the times. I remember around 1980 when truckload after truckload from the distributers in Sydney took all their remaining EMs to the dump. There would of been at least FIVE HUNDRED that I knew of that got dumped around that time  !!!
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ajlaird on December 13, 2008, 07:53:56 AM
The only good thing about this is that it makes the ones left more valuable - no, wait a second, that is a bad thing.
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Strangeways on December 13, 2008, 12:49:06 PM
The only good thing about this is that it makes the ones left more valuable - no, wait a second, that is a bad thing.

What we should be grateful for are the guys that kept there machines post Operation. Then we need to thanks the guys that are actively looking for these machines - because most of them are overseas.

The industry is run by hobbyists like US... It is our duty to buy the machines, restore, maintain and fill our gamesrooms with more !

Here's a story for you (sign of the times) - I went to a private secondary school, and every year we had a School Carnival. Dad would fill the truck up a couple of time with EMs. At the end of the night - they were raffled off, or donated to the school for fund raisers. Yep - they were given away at every opportunity.. He did the same for local sports clubs..

Every now and again I see a game that I recognize as Dad's from the "old days"... I once saw a "Seven Up" at a dealer's about 8 years ago. I knew it was Dad's as it had his hand writing on the score card. The number "7" had a line through it - typical of his handwriting (European)...

Don't get me started on the Bally Bingos (50's Machines).... !!! !!! !!! !!!

Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ddstoys on April 09, 2009, 04:32:21 PM
Thats another Great restore mitch i love the machines with animated backbox just gives them that little something extra.  Also you should really have a warning with the photo of the Rechromed coind door DAMN that's Shiny.  Really finished the machine off nicely
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: Mr Pinbologist on April 10, 2009, 10:52:00 AM
Thanks mate, glad you like!!  ^^^

When this one was sitting in storage for all those years unrestored i always thought it'd be one that i really wouldnt like that much, and that i'd probably sell.. but i quickly changed my mind after i finished the resto *%*

I actually DID sell this one once to a mate.. unrestored for $50.. then bought it back a few months later when he decided he was unable to do anything with it
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: illawarra_steelers on April 10, 2009, 05:12:38 PM
Just revisited this restore of such a nice looking pin.  ^^^

You are making me think twice about selling mine now Mitch!

Then once those 'new' woodrails arrive in a few months it will be pretty easy  *%*
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ddstoys on April 10, 2009, 07:25:11 PM
I want another woodrail its not fair lol
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: illawarra_steelers on April 10, 2009, 11:00:58 PM
I want another woodrail its not fair lol

Oh come on Daniel....I'm only getting 3 or 4  <.>
Title: Re: Gottlieb MIBS restore
Post by: ddstoys on April 10, 2009, 11:35:10 PM
Lucky Bugger wish i had your Contacts, Funds and your wifes patience lol