The Aussie Pinball Arcade

Aussie Pinball Forums => General Chat - Non Pinball/coin-opp Discussion => Topic started by: spacejam0 on May 22, 2018, 06:59:55 PM

Title: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: spacejam0 on May 22, 2018, 06:59:55 PM
Giday Everyone
It's been a while. Last year you may remember I sold off all my pinnies as we decided to make a huge lifestyle change and leave the hustle and bussle of inner city Melbourne for bush/sea change.
Well it's been a huge 8 or so months leaving our jobs, doing up and selling our house and selling off or giving away over half of our possessions to live a minimalist eco friendly lifestyle away from it all.
Well 3 weeks ago we arrived in our new home in St Helens on the N/E coast of Tassie. We have 33 acres in the middle of a really thick gum forest and only 3 minutes drive from the ocean. We are totally off grid with tank water, solar batteries, bottled gas and satellite internet in our beautiful rendered hay bale home, a huge change for us which we are really loving with no regrets.
We are running a small dog boarding and cat boarding business which is a perfect fit for us as we love animals.
I must admit that I do miss the pinballs and it was nice to have a few games on the Spirit of Tassie on the move over.
Wishing everyone on AP well.
Cheers Tim
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: Strangeways on May 22, 2018, 07:07:39 PM
Living the Dream ! No car congestion, pollution.. or crowds !  *%*
Will you setup a small farm and live off the land ? I have friends in Tassie that live off the land and would never return to our mad world !
Fishing any good ?
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: Cursed on May 22, 2018, 07:11:22 PM
Congrats mate! The missus and I fully intend to move to Tassie when we retire.

Absolutely love the place! Thanks for sharing and enjoy that fresh air.
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: McKie1 on May 22, 2018, 08:16:17 PM
Congrats mate! The missus and I fully intend to move to Tassie when we retire.

Absolutely love the place! Thanks for sharing and enjoy that fresh air.
Sad face :(

We will miss u both.

No more meets - argh!!!
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: ktm450 on May 22, 2018, 10:40:59 PM
Looks great! We passed through St. Helens January last year on a trip around Tassie. Such a beautiful place.
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: pinnies4me on May 23, 2018, 11:31:40 AM
Sounds wonderful, glad you are enjoying it. I would love to be off grid....
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: oldskool1969 on May 23, 2018, 04:11:23 PM
Any surf near by? Then you will be happy :-)
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: spacejam0 on May 23, 2018, 05:09:43 PM
Nino..2 cars = a traffic jam here  && . We are in the process of fencing off about 1/2 of an acre as a vegetable garden and will put in some fruit trees. I have also just started doing up an old chook coupe will I found in the scrub for 6 to 8 chooks. The fishing in the bay down the road is considered the best bay fishing in Australia with as many wild oysters and muscles as you need. Also have the continental shelf about 10 k/m off shore if you want to do some game fishing. I am in the process of buying a new boat but have been shore fishing twice since we got here and cleaned up both times. The goal is to be 30 to 50% self sufficient off the land and sea.

Oldschool..I'm not a surfer but according to my brother who is a surfing nut the surf here is excellent.

Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: DallasJ on September 27, 2018, 10:24:19 PM
Wow huge change. I grew up in Tassie, Hobart, still miss it after being away 18 years, but doubt I’ll move back. You’ve moved to a nice area, Hobart has grown a lot housing wise now and is more congested than the 90s.

I do miss the east coast roads on my motorbike, riding to find a new pinny to play of course  <.>

Enjoy the space....
Title: Re: Greetings from Tasmania
Post by: shaneo on May 27, 2019, 12:24:24 AM
G'day Tim, hope this finds you well.
I was playing some games tonight, and realized I still have every game I have bought from you (all crackers) so just a quick howdy.

I can't work them mobile thingies, but you know when next in Canberra...