The Aussie Pinball Arcade
Aussie Pinball Forums => General Discussion => General Pinball Discussion => Topic started by: studley67 on October 16, 2009, 09:58:24 PM
i have 14 machines,9 dms and 5 you find yourself playing the mchines that you have had to do the most work on?i love all my machines but specially playboy and cleopatra,as i have had to do a lot of work on these.i love the challenge of fixing and then playing a dead machine is un fixable except a dead JACKBOT MPU ,OWEN.regards damien
I prefer fixing them than playing them i find the only time i play is a few test games after a repair
Just owning them (thats the biggest buzz), closely followed by playing them. I would be happy for them to never break down, and buy all of them working. I get sad when they break :lol
I am definitely a player - it never gets old!
Fixing is satisfying but playing is what it is all about - that's what they are designed for!!!
i enjoy both about the same
the only thing that i enjy more than pins and sex is beer.BUT beer stuffs up the other ^&^ ^&^.
Owning - Having many machines (hoarding?) is great. It means you have HEAPS to do. I could not have many working pins, as I would get bored playing them. So I need to be working on them. Once they work - I tend to lose interest and I want to work on the next machine. There are exceptions - I love my Paragon - that is just the pinnacle of pinball playing. As the years go on, I will have my dream collection in my gamesroom, and also fulfilled the need to work on as many pins as I can get my hands on.
Working is definitely better than playing.
are we related nino ^^^? p .s. did you see hat medusa i sent you?
are we related nino ^^^? p .s. did you see hat medusa i sent you?
Yes mate - it was nice - Are you buying it ?
i was hoping too,but i need some heeeeelp on th logistics of getting it here!
Where is it?
Where is it?
Jolly old England !
reminds me of the old tech who used to fix the pins at the keon park amf
he didnt like playing pins much but loved fixing them
Both for me..
I find i can really get stuck into fixing one up, then it might piss me off and i walk away for a while and come back with a fresh approach.
Playing is the same - ill fall in love with a game again after an absence and wont stop playing it for a few weeks.. then ill move on.. come back etc etc etc.
Best part of playing the pins is having a line up of different eras all working. It really screws with your skills moving along the line adapting to the various styles of play.
Can be reverse 2" flippers on an early 50's game straight onto 3" flippers on something like Super Mario, then to SS machine and then to impulse flippers... all feel so different... and adapting is not easy!
Depending on my moods, either is more fun at different times. Sometimes I am happy when a fault develops in an old game so I have to trace it down, and other times all I want to do is play. But I do enjoy games on a newly fixed machine, lots of satisfaction in that!
I enjoy both initially but do get board playing the same games over and over. But dont tire of fixing them...also enjoy collecting electronic components 'rare spares' for old SS machines. I preffer to run my machines on original electronics where possible although I do have 1 of my System 1 machines running with a NiWumph processor.
Yeah fixing for me is my buzz, but at times with intermittant PC problems even that can frustrate ^.^
Restoration for me...taking a non working 50 year old game and bringing it back to life is a thrill....
(Must remind myself that when pulling out hair on next rebuild) :D
I enjoy playing more - but don't mind troubleshooting and fixing. I find I don't have a lot of spare time so a quick game or two works well, but hours fixing can be hard to find the time for.
Happy when all the games are working properly. Would rather play them than fix them.
Intermittent problems on Solid State games give me the shits something fierce.
However, i reckon it's an important part of the hobby to be able to get to know your machines. Troubleshoot and repair when needed.
I dont mind fixing but looking at a machine you have restored and then playing it always gives you a good fealing! %$%
Both fixing/restoring and playing equally for me. I enjoy the challenge of taking some old machine thats really only fit for the dump and doing the best i can do to restore it to the best condition possible. Its always a buzz playing a newly restored game.. especially after the (usually inevitable) bugs and glitches are sorted out!
I've been doing a few repairs lately on games for other people, and its been good for me because most of them have been games i wasnt too familiar with, or had not played before, so i get the opportunity to learn about a few different pin operating systems, and to play the games when repaired if they are pins i've never played or seen before.
So its always fun and interesting for me getting to work on different games, and yes, frustrating at times but usually all turns out good. *%*
If when you say fixing you mean restoring then yes I enjoy this more than playing, I do also like 'fixing' them but sometimes it can get frustrating tracking down little faults.