The Aussie Pinball Arcade

Aussie Pinball Forums => Technical Matters => Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance => Topic started by: Wally on January 18, 2011, 05:05:10 PM

Title: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 18, 2011, 05:05:10 PM
Happy New Year everyone!

My Gottlieb TimeLine has a spiderman sound Rom installed and I'm not sure if this is the reason for the sound board locking up after a few minutes.
Does anyone know where i could purchase the correct rom (659) i also have the bin file if anyone could burn it?

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Strangeways on January 18, 2011, 10:25:29 PM

Steve from Pinball Resource should be able to provide you with the correct ROM for your game
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 20, 2011, 08:34:56 AM
Member here Beaky can burn a new set for you. If he doesn't have the image, he can contact me as I know this guy who knows a guy..

If you want to purchase from PBR as Strangeways suggested, I've got an order going in soonish and could include for you and forward on.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 20, 2011, 08:59:52 AM
That sounds great!
I've looked at purchasing from pinball resource myself but i can't get my head around the payment methods.
What do you think something like this would be worth?

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 20, 2011, 09:17:41 AM
That sounds great!
I've looked at purchasing from pinball resource myself but i can't get my head around the payment methods.
What do you think something like this would be worth?


I haven't bought a ROM set from them, but I understand they are pretty pricing. The Beaky method might be the way to go - I'll shoot him a PM for you if you like??
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 20, 2011, 10:03:42 AM
Gee thanks alot.
I really do appreciate the help.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Strangeways on January 20, 2011, 11:35:57 AM
That sounds great!
I've looked at purchasing from pinball resource myself but i can't get my head around the payment methods.
What do you think something like this would be worth?


Usually $20-$30 depending on the size of the Eprom.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 20, 2011, 03:19:04 PM
Hi guys
The manual states that the chip no is an 18 pin device and its chip no is HM7643-5 PROM no 659.

Does that help anyone? I assume these chips are very hard to get nowdays?

I have seen on the web a web site called strikes and spares that make a replacement called a miot adaptor.

I'd like to stay original but this may be an option.
Has anyone given this a go?


Thanks again
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: humpalot on January 20, 2011, 03:46:22 PM
Hi guys
The manual states that the chip no is an 18 pin device and its chip no is HM7643-5 PROM no 659.

Does that help anyone? I assume these chips are very hard to get nowdays?

I have seen on the web a web site called strikes and spares that make a replacement called a miot adaptor.

I'd like to stay original but this may be an option.
Has anyone given this a go?


Thanks again

Haven't been able to order from them for about 12mths  @.@  Shame because they were reasonably priced.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: beaky on January 20, 2011, 09:33:32 PM
is it a system 80 like haunted house?
if it is i need to find out what eproms i used for the haunted house sound  !@#
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 20, 2011, 09:51:52 PM
No, it's the earlier generation (first) sound only board.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Skybeaux on January 22, 2011, 10:31:23 AM
They are a bipolar PROM 74s573 is a sub among others , they are not an Eprom.

If you have a good bin file for it then i could program you one no worries...$10.50 posted

...depends where you got the file from because i'm finding the sound prom files for the System 1 and early system 80 that are floating around on the net are corrupt and no good. least ways i know the files for Hulk ,Torch , Spiderman , and James bond are bad because i've verified them against known good originals that i have and they don't verify , the check sums are different...even burnt one to be sure and it  sounded terrible.

If you have a good file , or could borrow a chip from someone that i could copy , then i could do it no worries if no one else can do it for you.
...Otherwise your other option is to buy one from the Pinball Resource.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 22, 2011, 11:14:51 AM
I do have a file but absolutely no idea if it's any good. Any way (other than burning and trying) to verify?
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 22, 2011, 01:25:37 PM
Thanks heaps for the help I'm more than willing to take the gamble.
I have a file but it's one from the web so again not sure of it. The file size is only 4Kb.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: FirePower on January 22, 2011, 03:39:11 PM
I do have a file but absolutely no idea if it's any good. Any way (other than burning and trying) to verify?

Do any of the pinmame / virtual pin emulators that are about try to use the original rom files?  I think they do, but  I've never used any of them but this might be a way to test. Someone on this forum who plays with the emulators should be able to comment.  I guess you'd also need the ears to know what the original is meant to sound like.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Skybeaux on January 23, 2011, 09:35:13 AM
I do have a file but absolutely no idea if it's any good. Any way (other than burning and trying) to verify?

If you want to send me the file i'll be able to compare it to the one i got off the net ,  if it reads the same then chances are it's probably no good.
If it does read differently then it may be a good file and worth burning to try out.

I'd say that whoever uploaded the sound files to the net for system 1 and early system 80 somehow did it wrong.
Out of the 4 original sound roms that i have been able to compare against , all 4 files from the net have been bad  , so going on those figures i'm just assuming that they are probably all bad.
I have not had a problem with any of the Cpu files for these games so far , it just seems to be the sound files.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 23, 2011, 01:32:01 PM
Email sent.  ^^^
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Skybeaux on January 23, 2011, 06:01:09 PM
The file Nick sent looks good , so send me a message with your address Wally , and i'll give you my details and can post it to you tomorrow.

Thanks for the good tip Firepower with the Pinmame roms ^^^
Seems the Pinmame roms are the same as the actual machine , well at least the sound roms are.
I downloaded the sound roms for Hulk , Torch ,Spiderman and James Bond , verified them against the original proms i have , and they are indeed identical. #*#

Turns out that the sound Prom files that i had were corrupt and they are now in the trash!

Thanks again Nick for sending the file *%*

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 23, 2011, 07:15:07 PM

Thanks again guys #*# #*# #*# #*# #*# #*# #*#
This has been fantastic the help and advice in this forum is second to none.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Strangeways on January 23, 2011, 11:28:42 PM

Thanks again guys #*# #*# #*# #*# #*# #*# #*#
This has been fantastic the help and advice in this forum is second to none.



good to know that the Pinmame sound ROMs are identical !

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 27, 2011, 09:19:03 PM
Thanks guy's I'm almost sorted
Put my new ROM in today and it plays all the right sounds. It doesn't lock up and it sounds heaps better. ^^^
Only trouble is one of the sounds once triggered seems to play continuously.
I guess I'll have to look at all the sound lines/chips replacing them till i find the problem.
I'm sure the new ROM is not to blame for this
Isn't it always the way fix one problem and that just leads you to the next?

Again thanks for everyone's help on this ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: beaky on January 27, 2011, 09:41:49 PM
hope you find the fault.
well done on getting the prom,
That is one of the reasons why I Like this forum so much, when you need some help & someone on here can help you then they do.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: MartyJ on January 27, 2011, 09:45:24 PM

Are you running a Ni Wumph CPU by any chance
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 27, 2011, 10:13:38 PM
No Ni Wumph all original!
Hope it's not the RIOT chip?
As Skybeaux suggested I'll try the 7404's first and go from there.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 27, 2011, 10:26:33 PM
Just did a switch test
Switch 67 (Outhole) and 71 (10 Points) apparently are not closed.
Could this cause it? I guess I'll find out!
I'll let you all know.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 28, 2011, 11:46:22 AM
Still no luck
Switches fixed 7404's changed on the sound board and Z13 changed on the driver board and also Z31 changed on the control board.
It appears that the problem is definitely on the sound card somewhere.

Any ideas where to look guys?

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: FirePower on January 28, 2011, 01:30:59 PM

Any ideas where to look guys?

Have you tested the soundboard on its' own, out of the machine?  Connect power and speaker and stimulate the inputs to get sounds.  Is the always on sound present in this test?  if not then the card looks ok and I'd be looking for a closed switch on the pf that is generating the sound.
Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: Wally on January 30, 2011, 09:29:48 PM
Well guys i have to eat some crow it appears that the crapy sound that i thought was a fault is actually the right sound for this machine.
Having never heard the sound work on the machine before i thought that i should see if there was any video of it on the web and there it was that same repetitive sound that i thought was a fault.
So thanks again to everyone who helped sort this out.
If you guys want to listen to the machine here is the site.

Title: Re: Rom Chips
Post by: pinnies4me on January 30, 2011, 09:41:24 PM
the crapy sound that i thought was a fault is actually the right sound for this machine.

Lol!! Well you learned a lot about your game on the way, so was worth it I'm sure.