The Aussie Pinball Arcade

Aussie Pinball Forums => General Chat - Non Pinball/coin-opp Discussion => Topic started by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 12:26:43 AM

Title: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 12:26:43 AM
hey guys.
ive found this guys website.
anybody who wonders why things are so f**ked up, should check this out!
lots of info to digest, heaps!,
just take it easy on yourself, some of it is fairly out there.
these ****s are brainwashing us, aswell as poisioning us!!!!
if you wish for your children not to be slaves, then pass this info around!

happy and healty newyear to all.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 01:31:06 AM
this guy is a nutter i am sorry i cant agree with you, ive read a few books of his, and lizards from outer space (reptilians) arent really that much of an eye opening experience for me. ps i can make jetstreems with one of my rc airplanes, they are not chem trails. lol but hey what do i know im brain washed, for a guy who thinks a new world order lead by Reptiles from out of space. one of the things i thought was funny, he thinks we are being poisoned in our water for mind control, yet he tells us to buy bottled water for $2 for 600ml's? maybe he is just brain washed by coke a cola who own 90% of bottled water in Australia? for a guy who hates capitalism Icke sure likes promoting them and encouraging them to be consumers to them.

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 01:42:38 AM
the reptile part is pretty hard.

but wars, gm foods, world governments and banks and armys,  implants.
this stuff is for real.

dont believe what the tv and papers tells you.

i havnt read his books, just seen videos
i not much reader, video easier for me.

he is definately not a nutter.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 01:49:12 AM
mate check out flouride.
flouride is bad for you(unless youre a maunfacturer!)
buggers up your pineal gland(making you easier to control)

thanks for your input

***this could be hard, but keep your cool****
ps it is your ego that makes you feel like you know "stuff".
you have not become that way by accident.
forget the media and feel with your innards/soul/spirit.

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 01:50:08 AM
oh and then i read one of his write up on when obama wanted to make a health care system similar to how we have here in Australia's referring to it as communism. when you read his books read them with both eyes open, read what he says and how he says it, because imo he preaches the same we way he accuses others of doing in brain washing us. very clever nutter however.

mate forget his video's read his books, this guy is like hitler imo. just as dangerous, he can make people beleive in things, and im just waiting for the day he convinces people to act on his preachings.
he preeches about taking up arms and fighting, he wants to see people armed to their teeth, this guy is dangerous. again i read this stuff for my self. i read his books open minded. as friends have been suckered into this garbage of reptiles from out of space, new world order, 2012 ending and all the other crap he talks about whilst promoting his books making good money and oh and last time i saw he was promoting his sons band trying to get him famous lol.

so you dont like fluride, take davids advice and surrender your self to cokacola, really last time  i checked he said corporations are some of these families of reptiles that control us??? yet he posts vids from his microsoft driven pc, on youtube, and from his iphone telling people to pay for bottled water. the guy is a hypocrit. real nwo believers live off the radar with out tv even up in the hills of the usa, not on tv radio and youtube.

he also says about fluride that hitler gave it to the Jews to sedate the before killing them, however in the same book Icke says the Holocaust never happened, which one is it ? Hitler used floride on the Jews to sedate them for mind control before killing them them in a holocaust that never happened?

i have a good freind of mine, who has been suckered into his garbage, he changed his name to some weird bloody new name, he now sits in his room smoking drugs depressed and scared as hell reptiles are coming to get him, @ 28 years of age. i now only read this crap of his so i can at-least debate it when some one comes up saying i am not informed and have no idea of the facts, he is the new version of scary trends where we  like to freak out about things for no reason, like killa bees and y2k bug, 2012 and all those other trendy scary things.

i dont need to write book to tell you why things are f**ked up,its because people aren't evolved enough to live peacefully, every one knows that, it doesn't need reptiles thrown in to make it any more profound
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 02:06:26 AM
on your edit above, was that one of his qoutes that he tells you to say to people when they question him??

 because to those who dont know this person  Icke we are talking about, he offers his followers advice to qoute certain things when they debate his theory's.
 yet he calls people who dont follow him sheep???????

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 02:46:16 AM
i dont know abt the healthcare thing- though i dont feel ours couldnt be improved upon.

guns. i dont like them. i dont feel like the incident in tassie really warranted the reaction though.

i would like to think i could kill someone that was about to kill me.(i hope but maybe not)

giving up flouride does not mean taking up cocacola.(we got watertank(mozzie farm))
in "the corporation film", some believe wanting people to pay for the water that falls from the sky!(good one!)

i cant blame a father for wanting and trying to help their son.

nwo/rothchilds have orchestrated both ww1 and2.(apparantly stalin was heard bragging that he is working for rothchilds.

oh yes the holocaust happened, and no one will ever be allowed to forget(jews = media)

real nwo believers in the hills?there will be nowhere to run.must be united not isolated.(divide and conquer = best trick in book)

i like the idea of using their own tools against them : tv internet and youtube.

the evolution thing...everybody knows!!!

re: mate, that was mine.

sheep thing; i think he says people are sheep(easily led)
i particularly like the bit abt people sheep not needing a sheepdog......cause that job is done by ourselves(society)

very sorry to hear your friend has got a bit crazy.....pharmasudical companies make heaps from selling drugs to fix this.
just hope that theyve been tested better than the gm foods!

i thank you for your input, very much.

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Cow Corner on January 02, 2012, 08:32:57 AM
Break out the tin foil hats folks...chicken little has informed me that the sky is falling!
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Retropin on January 02, 2012, 10:34:21 AM
Im 45 yrs old and was brought up in UK where flouride in water has been around before i was born... im not dead.. im not brainwashed ( all hail Plankton!) and if you think residents in UK are easily controlled due to flouride you are living under a rock ( all hail Plankton!).. yes its a poison in concentrated forms, but it does prevent tooth decay and small amounts do no harm, just like alcohol, paracetomol, red meat etc.
man if you wanted to control the masses invent television.... oops already done that ( all hail Plankton!)... better still legalise dope and tell everyone breakfast cones are enforced by law... that'll subdue the masses ( all hail Plankton!).
Charles manson planned to contaminate Beverly Hills water with LSD back in the 60's... damn fool... should have used flouride!

LOL- Fear, laws, taxes, television control the masses... that and your own apathy.
Have you considered that control comes from within? Rise up my friend and DO something rather than sitting there posting tripe whilst getting more and more paranoid..

and... All hail Plankton!

PS... using the C **T word does very little to articulate an opinion and really why youd post this word on a forum is beyond me
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Cow Corner on January 02, 2012, 10:36:17 AM
Laughing so hard my sides hurt!
This plankton fellow you speak of sounds like a top bloke!
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Caveoftreasures on January 02, 2012, 10:41:54 AM
any form of religion/nutty preaching etc in my opinion is dangerous, then u have people who start small weirdo commune type stuff, just as mad/bad.

mostly, u can educate people alot more/easier by asking questions and holding debates, so someone preaching on video, or via a book is just preaching, and preaching tends to lend itself mostly to nutters/dictators/people with mental illness.

people think china is mad/bad, but china mostly bans religion/worship/idealology etc for its couple billion people. sure, it not having a democracy is not good, but its not corrupt like the USA and it doesnt have benny hin/other nutcases on television fleecing the weak/silly/plain dumb people. perhaps china and its overall ban on worship (of almost any kind) is a smart thing. no nutters/no priests/pastors flying around in lere jets/no islam versus christianity etc.

if that bloke who believes in lizards lived in china, they would say "show us how to breed them so we can eat them, otherwise we will just shuv you in a labour  %.%

gav, the hail plankton thing made my spit my coffee over the keyboad i laughed so hard you crazy bastard. well done. !  and who is talking about crunts.  :D

seriously, if anyone plays a pinball, then they can be downgraded from nutter/dictator to mostly sane, perhaps.  #@#
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: The pinballist formally known as Dean Morgan on January 02, 2012, 11:16:43 AM
 Sounds like someone, read David Icke' is probably making a shit load of coin from this whole reptile thing.  Wanna make lots of money get into religion or similar cult as long as your the leader.

An author of books,hmmm, sounds like he is copying L R Hubbard,  a science fiction writer whom Wrote that we are all aliens and started a new religion Scientology.

Don't get me wrong, some of LRH writings are great, (way to happiness, A new slanton life, The fundamentals oF thought, problems with work) have some really good values and messages, whilst others are out there.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 11:22:15 AM
any form of religion/nutty preaching etc in my opinion is dangerous, then u have people who start small weirdo commune type stuff, just as mad/bad.

mostly, u can educate people alot more/easier by asking questions and holding debates, so someone preaching on video, or via a book is just preaching, and preaching tends to lend itself mostly to nutters/dictators/people with mental illness.

people think china is mad/bad, but china mostly bans religion/worship/idealology etc for its couple billion people. sure, it not having a democracy is not good, but its not corrupt like the USA and it doesnt have benny hin/other nutcases on television fleecing the weak/silly/plain dumb people. perhaps china and its overall ban on worship (of almost any kind) is a smart thing. no nutters/no priests/pastors flying around in lere jets/no islam versus christianity etc.

if that bloke who believes in lizards lived in china, they would say "show us how to breed them so we can eat them, otherwise we will just shuv you in a labour  %.%

gav, the hail plankton thing made my spit my coffee over the keyboad i laughed so hard you crazy bastard. well done. !  and who is talking about crunts.  :D

seriously, if anyone plays a pinball, then they can be downgraded from nutter/dictator to mostly sane, perhaps.  #@#

you got it wrong the lizards want to control us and eat us, thats the crap this icke fellow preeches, and mate its all viral now you would be supported how many people follow this guy, like i said i have friend who is buggered in the brain he just sits around smoking dope scared stiff of reptilians who are after him.

Icke has been just watching the moil soil and Green to many times
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 11:26:04 AM
apologies if bad language offends.

thanks for the input!
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Caveoftreasures on January 02, 2012, 11:27:45 AM
ahh yes, the movie "Soylent Green" starring Charelton heston, 1973. Where all the dead people get chopped up into small square pieces of mince meat and its dyed green by the government. Good movie. (wondered where Grandma went  #@#)

got to go, there is a lizard at the front door with a bible in hand, who just turned up in a Ferrari.  %.% %.% %.% %.%
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Retropin on January 02, 2012, 11:41:09 AM
apologies if bad language offends.

thanks for the input!

.... Appreciated!

BTW.. have you ever read Eric Von daniken's  book?  ... Was very popular in its time... lots of UFO landing strips in the Andes ( ?).... complete piffle of course but non the less a popular conspiracy theory of its time..

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Strangeways on January 02, 2012, 12:25:35 PM

Wasn't there a TV Series in the 80's that had Lizards invading the World ? It was called "V" ?

Anyone who preaches or has the opinion that the Holocaust never happened is a total nutcase. My father is a holocaust survivor and I've heard some stories that are very hard to listen to. Even the memoirs of Rudolf Hess records the fine details of the running of Auschwitz concentration camp.

Sad to think people would follow this type of preaching without any truth or evidence.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 12:36:06 PM
ahh yes, the movie "Soylent Green" starring Charelton heston, 1973. Where all the dead people get chopped up into small square pieces of mince meat and its dyed green by the government. Good movie. (wondered where Grandma went  #@#)

got to go, there is a lizard at the front door with a bible in hand, who just turned up in a Ferrari.  %.% %.% %.% %.%
ahahah, yer stupidity phone turns my words auto so it says soil and green lol,
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Pop Bumper Pete on January 02, 2012, 12:41:31 PM
The peoples to fear are those who worship a silver ball!!

Obsessed nutters, living in a fools backwards reality they are
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 01:04:14 PM
The part that makes me dislike this particular individual  David Icke the most is he tells people who have depression or schizophrenia that their meds are mind control, and the government is controlling them, these people do stop taking medication they do need, and again this guy has millions of followers you would be supposed how many people believe this shit. then tells people to not go to doctors as they will inject you with brain control implants, says dont get tetnis shots or any sort of immunization shots as they are mind control. and then from his website you can download a legal document, that if you have to go to a doctor in an emergency situation, you have to make the doctor fill out a form saying they wont inject you with mind control substances if they refuse to sign it dont get them to help you. ill try and find a link this this document its on his website, i will do this when i get home,
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Strangeways on January 02, 2012, 01:20:25 PM

"The part that makes this particular individual the most is he tells people who have depression or schizophrenia that their mess are mind control"

Clinical Depression and Chronic schizophrenia can be hereditary. Nothing to do with "mind control". Mental illness is mainly attributed to chemical inbalances within the brain.

I might have to visit his website for a good laugh ! Sounds like the typical American radical nutcase !
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 01:30:08 PM

"The part that makes this particular individual the most is he tells people who have depression or schizophrenia that their mess are mind control"

Clinical Depression and Chronic schizophrenia can be hereditary. Nothing to do with "mind control". Mental illness is mainly attributed to chemical inbalances within the brain.

I might have to visit his website for a good laugh ! Sounds like the typical American radical nutcase !

i beleive he is a pommy, but is usa based if i remember correctly
look the fool up on wiki, i cant remember correctly on his nationality but he sounds english
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: The pinballist formally known as Dean Morgan on January 02, 2012, 01:53:45 PM
The part that makes me dislike this particular individual  David Icke the most is he tells people who have depression or schizophrenia that their meds are mind control, and the government is controlling them, these people do stop taking medication they do need, and again this guy has millions of followers you would be supposed how many people believe this shit. then tells people to not go to doctors as they will inject you with brain control implants, says dont get tetnis shots or any sort of immunization shots as they are mind control. and then from his website you can download a legal document, that if you have to go to a doctor in an emergency situation, you have to make the doctor fill out a form saying they wont inject you with mind control substances if they refuse to sign it dont get them to help you. ill try and find a link this this document its on his website, i will do this when i get home,

Very similar to Scientology whom also discourage any form of drugs used to treat mental illness.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 03:32:50 PM
And it's scary because they are not doctors, giving this sort of advice and scaring mentally I'll people
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: pinnies4me on January 02, 2012, 05:01:52 PM

OMG!! He was right all along!!!!!

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 02, 2012, 08:02:50 PM
if this isnt nazi style propaganda i dont know what is, look at all the subliminal messages thrown in to his videos. this is why Icke imo is a hypocrite, he deos exactly what he accuses corporations, gov and reptilians of doing lol ahaha check it out

at 17mins into that clip flashes, "Kill bernard Marx, kil him, he is evil, marx is a monster" the clip goes crazy ahaha wow worth a watch, im off to kill Bernard Marx lol
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 02, 2012, 11:23:08 PM
ok boys, call off the sheepdogs!

it is difficult to explain.

the meaning of life is.........(drumroll) pinball!
anybody surprised?

not those horrible sega machines.......only williams.
and not early ones either.

ow come on fellas, that was funny!
it was! come on!

lot funnier than innocent people being murdered.
or maybe not?
murderers here are punished for their crime.
in wartime murderers are heros.
how does that sit with yas?
(not one swear word in sight!)

i heard that orwell's (alias) 1984 was written by an insider..
find a box to put that in.

what abt war. is anybody here offended buy war. or people dying of hunger.

i guess what i ask is that you attempt to keep an open mind.

people are sheep....dont react....observe them. verify for yourself.
plug it into google...."the foremost 'experts' in the world have determined that ...
from a test specimen of 1000, found that over 50% of humans are sheep!!!
and.....10-20% are aliens!!!!

and aliens must be impossible.
we humans know all!
we live on a planet which is huge!
and the whole lot(absolutely everything) revolves around!)
every star you see is another sun.
and even if you have bad eyesight.

i like you guys.
dont be upset or cranky.
dont be a slave to your ego.
and dont forget...discrimination is illegal.


no more full already.

truly sorry
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: ddstoys on January 02, 2012, 11:44:41 PM
Always love reading this stuff every one on planet earth is shit nuts just depends on who is diagnosing them.

  I for one have suffered from depression anti depressants work great to stop you being depressed also stop you smiling and generally having a good time was better off depressed lmfao.

   Funny thing is I didn't really know I was depressed until one day I woke up and felt great and real listed id been a dribbling but case for 12 months.

    My opinion and feel free to keep your own beliefs is religion is bullshit if it was true there would only be one. Not hundreds.  Was put through a catholic school and the whole idea makes me laugh.  On the seventh day got created man???  WTF well when did he create dinosaurs?   

  God cured my wife's cancer ??  No it was the years of human research and medical treatment.

 A good site for a chuckle is why does god hated amputees  %.%

As for whatever those terrorists follow ??  If I blow myself up I'll get 70 virgins in heaven can you imagine how ugly a woman has to be to get through life without getting a root.  Who the hell would want 70 of the ugly bitches lmfao.

As for lizard running things has to e an improvement from a red headed woman with a bad voice set back woman's right at least 100 years


Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Retropin on January 03, 2012, 01:02:54 AM
LOl- this threads a blast!
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 03, 2012, 01:18:10 AM
i am crazy.
no shit (anybody here offended by shit?)apparantly originates from oldtime shipping days(store high in transit)
after the poorley stowed cargo went ...kaboom.
plenty of people killed...plenty pairs of soiled undergarments.
forgive me

yes went to a psychiatrist.
he said my spelling and grammer were poor.
he said i would go to hell for using bad language.
he recons im mad.
mad as a cut snake, he said.
i said: hold on doc, do you really mean that?how mad is a cut snake?how deep is the cut?can you talk to snakes?
doc: small cut make snake very mad, not cranky, crazy. looney bin.i communicate with snakes telepathically!
me:but doc, you frighten me. wtf! are you sure?
he said: shit yes!, ive read heaps of big thick books, with many many pages, really small text, and big big words.
some words with over 10 letters in each.i can spell many of them.and can correctly pronounce heaps of those really complicated words.
doc: i can take 1 look at you and tell you, without a doubt that you are crazy!
me: shit doc!
me: but doc, my back is sore, my head feels fine.

i feel fine in the head, but it has got me thinking.
and that thinking made my brain hurt.
now both my head and back hurt.

anyway virtually certain that i am crazy.
gonna find something on the net, insert my name and print.frame and hang.

religion= divide(get them to kill each other)then conquer.
dont underestimate the power of the mind.

thanks for the laugh daniel!

and come sit by me in the funnyfarm.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Olivia_jason on January 03, 2012, 02:00:12 AM
im not having a dig at you personally carnut, im calling Icke a nutter, and he is dangerous, i also say he is a con man making a tonne of cash, and convincing people with depression and schizophrenia to not take meds and scare them that they are being controlled by reptiles. he targets vulnerable people in tyhe worst possible way, and as you see by his vid above, his subliminal messages he accuses corporations of doing he is inflicting on those who view it, so i call him a hypocrite. he is no worst than one of those preachers who say they can cure people of cancer by touching their heads if they pay money to attend their convention.
His tactic is say the reaso nyou feel anxious and shit about your self is because the gov makes you put energy saving light bulbs in your house and injects mind control implants in your body when you seek medical assistant for your issues. Iguess the reason he is successful is because people would rather blame a gov for them not feeling that great rather than making an effort to treat the problem and feel weak. so im not having ago at you personally i just hate this guy icke and have come up against this debate from friends who have been suckered into his crap, people unfortunately i basically cant associate with any more because the talk criptic and incoherent and babble on about this all day, which is a shame as they are good people

but i have to ask, how do we know Icke isnt a reptilian him self???? now thats deep lol
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Cow Corner on January 03, 2012, 08:54:42 AM
LOl- this threads a blast!
Wait til lord Plankton hears about this! #*#
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Retropin on January 03, 2012, 10:00:18 AM

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 03, 2012, 10:02:54 AM
plankton is the stuff whales eat.
i dont understand plankton.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: Cow Corner on January 03, 2012, 10:09:03 AM
The future is out of our hands anyway, you can't change the can try and do your best to influence it but you can't change it. If we really wanted to change hunger etc it would have been done a long time ago but we all know that hurts the bottom line of too many people in power and we can't have that can we.
People will always have belief to either help or hinder their progress on this mortal coil. Doing the best you can in your own life around the people you love, respect and care for is all you can hope to achieve in our brief time here. The best way for anyone caught up in this to fully process it is if they TRULY believe in it..take stock in the fact that you can't change it or the world around you... what will be will be, you could beat yourself up about it or accept it and get on with life. The only thing you can change is yourself and your beliefs.
I believe we are here to either learn knowledge from others or impart knowledge to others...the problem is knowing the right knowledge to either absorb or impart.
Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: carnut on January 03, 2012, 11:56:29 AM

this is worth reading.
heel boys, HEAL.
nice sheepdogs!
pat pat pat

and daz, you CAN change the world!!!
you can change the world by changing yourself.and yr beliefs.
ya hit the nail on the head there!
(now dont interpret this as me thinking you should change.
but i feel me myself am due for a change some change something...
maybe the planets are aligned, f**ked if i know.
keep your eyes and ears open and brain engaged.

Title: Re: david icke rocks!
Post by: pinnies4me on January 03, 2012, 12:16:17 PM
Well there's enough info here for anyone who wants to explore this guy's ideas, so google is your friend.

We have decided to lock this thread now so members can continue discussing pinball and other non-reptilian related topics! :)