JJP needs to up the anti with new titles, and match Stern with frequency of releases or they will only barely dint the home collector pinny market. No use going for quality if u only release 2 machines in a 3 plus year period. food for thought. and yes, i still like JJP, but the release date of 2013 december is tooo sloowwww.
I listened to a older Spooky podcast today (second interview on spooky between Charlie and Jack) which was late last year, he said that he does not intend to release more than one game a year as he is focusing on game quality and pleasing the customer. In addition he said that Nordman has a personal game design partially done and it may also be one of the released games late 2013 but more likely early 2014. He stated that all games will have a LCD and therefore require programming etc which involves a bit of work.
He is a smart guy and said that he hopes to make a few thousand WOZ's especially with a future WOZ movie release.