Thats some good info there, thanks.
I certainly wont be buying one sight unseen and unplayed thats for sure!!
I don't want to derail this thread with negativity, but if you are intending to buy a LE full featured model, I don't know whether you will be able to take that approach anymore given Stern's LE marketing strategy.
What I am seeing is a dramatic shift from buying a NIB Stern pinball machine for the intent of enjoying a NIB game experience, to buying a game for the sole purpose of profiteering. That is, snapping up as many LE's models as your budget allows, holding for a month or two in the box (before any major details of the next Stern pin come out) and then flipping for a tidy (few thousand) profit without doing a damn thing to it.
With the money you make on that model, this then goes into funding the next LE model purchase that will come out in a few months time and the cycle repeats itself. Since the hype life cycle is so short for a new Stern LE machine (a few months at most), the "speculator" as I call them, has to offload fairly quickly in order to maximise their return.
Now this is a free market and buyers are allowed to pay whatever they think something is worth, but I do lay part of the blame for allowing this to occur at Stern's doorstep.
Yeah I have been seeing this trend grow.
Joke if you ask me but if some one is that silly to pay 3k or more extra than what it is worth for a pin I say fill ya boots and go hard.
15k for a acdc LE, that is just mental imo! 15k for any pin is mental imo, I don't care how many they made or how good it is.
I am not really that fazed, if I get one I get one but will prob end up buying a nice b/w as they seem to be better bargains atm as everyone is going stern and jjp silly.