Author Topic: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 11 - Wingtipvortex  (Read 3123 times)

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Re: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 11 - Wingtipvortex
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:00:23 PM »
Ok, will do my best, here goes

1. Earliest pinball memory?

My earliest memory would have to be pins at Luna Park Melbourne.  It must have been around 1975ish,  i never played them,  but i can remember thinking that whatever they were, i like the look of them.  I was 6 at the time.  I wonder where they are now?

2. All time favourite pin? Why?

Hard question.  But if i had to say one, it is Black Knight.  Cool artwork,  great ball flow,  multiple levels,  awsome sounds, magna save(which i never really got the hang of).  And it really did scare the crap out of me when i was 10!!

3. Favourite pinball manufacture?

For me, i find it difficult to pinpoint a fav,  ive played tables ive liked and disliked across the board.  I enjoy more Williams pins than any other though, so maybe its Williams.

4. Favourite game in your collection? Why?

I only have one so far which is Phantom Of The Opera.   Im really impressed with the artwork and dark theme. It has nice Bose digital sound and a pretty cool light show.  Its based on a French novel by Gaston Leroux, first published in 1910, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber production which coincidently was released around the same time.  Its a pin ive been interested in since i first played it in 1990.

5. How long have you been collecting?

Officialy been collecting for one year now,  not long i know, but iv'e learnt a lot in that time.

6. First game and how did you find it?

First pin was a Bally Supersonic.  It was sitting in a window of a shop in Launceston.  Went in and spoke to the guy who owned it, bought it for $300, fully working. He even tried to talk me out of it,  he said they are more trouble than they are worth!

Took it around to 4 different mates places in the space of a year and had no problems with it.  Then it died.  so i sold it for $200 and have not seen it since. Theres a story on AP about me, a playfield and cooking oil, but you can read that yourself!

7. Do you still have it?

No,  it wasnt me officer, it was the cooking oil!

8. What are you currently working on?

Working on the POTO, trying to get it up to scratch.  About to do the GI and board repairs,  then its off with the mylar i think.  But im taking my time with it.

9. Most wanted game to add to your collection?

Black Knight for sure.  But there are many others, Dracula, Haunted House, Firepower and the list goes on.  But BK is at the top at the moment.

10. Best all time bargain game added to your collection?

The Supersonic was a bargain for me at the time,  nothing of late. I wouldnt say the Phantom was a bargain, far from it.

11. Worst ever miss – tell us about the one that got away!

I really should have bought a Royal Guard in really sweet condition, fully working,  just needed a clean. It was $900.  Would have been my first EM too!  Then there was a Xenon which was sweet as well, that went for $600.

I was actually intending to buy the Xenon, but got the auction day confused. In the end the reserve wasn't met, and someone offered $600 to the owner and she accepted.  What can you do?

12. Worst ever purchase – tell us about the game you wished you never bought

Havn't been down that road yet,  but im sure its going to happen someday!

13. Describe your collection

Still just the one pin, Phantom.

14. Describe your gamesroom

Dont have a "games room" as such, i keep all my games in the living room, I guess the living room is no more, its now a games room @.@
But i have a grand plan for an underground bunker style room,  really going to push the 80s arcade look when its done, you know, dark gloomy, smokey, red and black chequered carpet, Michael Jacksons Beat it on the big screen!

Thats the plan anyway.

15. Do you have other games other than pinball?

Got an LAI cocktail with a 48 in 1 happening. Pretty much only play Space Invaders, BombJack and DonkeyKong on it.  Also a LAI stand up with 48 in 1 as well.  I havnt seen that yet as a mate in Melbourne is still enjoying it too much.  Thats ok, share the love i say!

16. Where can you see the hobby in 10 years?

Not sure about that.  From a commercial perspective,  things may be quite different.  From a collectors/hobbiests view,  i cant really see much changing.  Only that i hope we all have more or different pins, to sell, swap and share about the community.  After all, its really down to us now to keep the pin dream alive.

10 years is a long time.