You can save alot of money and go to CUSTOMS HOUSE in your city and get advice on how to bring in the pinball machine yourself very easily.
If u follow the list of things u need to do, it will save u $700 ish, perhaps even up to a grand because freight forwarders charge like wounded bulls and add alot of money on at every step. I have bought pins in from the USA and my huge Star Trek machine and did the lot myself without a freight forwarder. Just go to your locals CUSTOMS and they can easily tell u what u have to do. Follow their checklist and it is very easy.
Just make sure the person in the USA is happy to provide you with the declarations etc that CUSTOMS require, and get copies of the paperwork before the item is shipped, or you will never be able to pick your stuff up and have it released. Make sure the machine is shipped on a plastic pallet. That alone will save a declaration and fumigation of the pallet which is expensive. Get a quote from a freight forwarder if u want to go that way, and then compare it to the customs checklist, and u will see how much money you can save.