Author Topic: The Addams Family - LCD Back Box Mod  (Read 4929 times)

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Marty Machine

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Re: The Addams Family - LCD Back Box Mod
« on: September 26, 2012, 04:15:00 PM »
After all the copyright flack, looks like he's confirmed a "kit only"'s upto the end user to migrate the videoclip(s) into the SDcard, which will no doubt be covered in a 'how to' document provided with the kit.

At the end of the day, he's simply moved copyright over to piracy, there's no way around it ;-)

Even if he decides to start from scratch and write "The Addams Family" in photoshop, then create his own lightning & effects, copyright will still prohibit him distributing "The Addams Family" as it's not his material.....sad but true.

This is why it's impossible to release mods for games that are under license from Movie & TV networks.
You'd be better off doing mods for generic games that aren't connected to movies & TV etc.
Even then, you'd then be battling with the pinny manufacturers, who want a piece of your pie, greedy cunce!!

Try releasing ANYTHING for a gottlieb and see where it gets you  ;-)

I'd certainly be contacting a copyright lawyer in your area for advice on what to do and/or ways to get around things...