IF it was true (ignoring common sense with the production line and shipping logistics of shipping single machines instead of batches of 40 plus in seafreight containers which machines have to be produced on the line in country code runs - which will disprove the first to order, first to recieve etc) and if it was true, why are the first 50 machines going to operators, instead of the first 50 individuals who ordered and paid first...
remembering, on AP alone, there are 4 people who ordered in the first 24 hrs ..but they arent getting the first 4 machines are they....
So the "In the production shipping queue we will ship to whoever and wherever it falls in order" rule has already been ammended to provide 50 machines to operators.....the order list, it will be ammended many times more to accomodate JJPs plans....Face it, the lists order is set up to accomodate JJP, not individuals....and if I was JJP, thats what i would be doing as well cause it makes commercial sense.
.......and the machine wont be lonely, it will be in a container with 40 other Aus delivered WOZ machines anyway......but just not in the order people are hoping for...(when Bumpers seafreight container of WOZ machines lands , it will prove what i have said all along)...
As long as it comes, be happy i reckon...who cares about what specific order it arrives in.....