Jack has just posted that one of the circuit boards has had to be redesigned
Seems that distributors will be getting demo models soon , but ordinary buyers will have to wait another 90 days
unfortunately, thats why I said Feb/March up above for aussie delieveries cause I just know how easy it is for one simple hassle to turn into a production line shitfight...and to be honest, I thought i was being conservative when i said Feb/March....it means aussies get better machines/models anyway i would reckon...
.....thats why I am waiting for all the proiduction bugs n hassles to be ironed out and will buy close to the end of the production queue...hopefully Bumper (or someone) will have BNIB std Woz stock siting aroung they cant sell that has the latest n greatest revisions into it etc and the prioce will drop just to get rid oif them...something tells me that if Jack is over positive, he will produce more stock rather than less...Thats what i am betting on anyway....its a bit late in the game to be getiing boards redesigned, but what can u do...I think they are ALOT more behind than they are saying, but shit happens, and even NASA runs behind all the time, so if u want the best, ya just have to wait for it....