Author Topic: My Opinion on Pinball Importers.  (Read 1554 times)

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Re: My Opinion on Pinball Importers.
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2012, 03:11:08 PM »
pinball importers are essentailly second-dealers, and would be accountable under the laws governing that type of business? Agreed with Nino, alot of dodgy stuff done, and some of it dangerous. But at the end of the day keep importing, and when these things die in couple of years I will drag the trailer around the garage sales for cheap projects  %.%

There are laws governing the sale of second hand electrical devices. Pinballs sold must adhere to AS 3760. I have not seen one single pinball machine with an AS3760 certification. I'm becoming certified shortly, and I will be testing ALL games brought into my Business. That's about it really. ANYONE can set up a Business and sell pinball machines and they will either claim they don't know about the standards or they don't want to know. The risks are huge and the fines can put you out of business very quickly.

When I refer to regulations, I use the car industry as an example. You cannot sell a Car without a roadworthy. The roadworthy is a checklist common to almost all cars. Are the tires good ? Is it leaking oil ? Do all the indicators work ? This can be applied to pinball, but it will never be agreed upon by the industry. Car yards have licenses (LMCT). Anyone can sell a pinball.

Using AS 3760 as an example here - I see work where the dealer simply cuts off the Euro plug and wires in a second hand Aussie Plug. Or better still - Just buy a $2 extension lead from bunnings, cut off the female plug and wire it directly into the game. Don't bother with the Varistor, and leave the 8 AMP fuse in its holder, then charge $250 for the "service". I'm seeing this kind of work all the time. Why not just get the work experience guy to go these remedial tasks ?

Any machine not correctly jumpered or fused will cause all sorts of problems. I'm seeing games with NEW fuses - they look great ! But are they the right value ? NEVER !! Two days ago, I looked at a game with 10 amp fuses in EVERY single fuse holder (SYS80b underplayfield) - They should be 2 Amp SB or 1 Amp SB. Another game tripping the safety switch in the house. The dealer whacked a 20 Amp fuse in a 4 Amp SB mains fuse holder. The game had a fault within it's electrical system - and the solution was to over fuse it ? Swap the fuse out to a 4 Amp SB and it blew within 10 minutes. These are SIMPLE electrical safety issues which should be standardized, but are not. But the game looked great in the showroom.

A pinball roadworthy should START to look like this ;

New power cable with AS3760 adhered to
ALL fuses checked for correct rating and type
Machine jumpered for local operation

Now that's only three quick checks. But EVERY machine I've looked at in the last 6 months has had one or all three checks NOT adhered to. Not one single game has has all three.

Drawing a comparison with the car industry, it would be like a car dealer selling a car with no tread on the tires, a hole in the radiator and no brakes. Now what would happen when this car drives out the driveway ?

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