Author Topic: Stern - Avengers Pinball (late 2012)  (Read 22158 times)

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Re: Stern - Avengers Pinball (late 2012)
« Reply #480 on: December 23, 2012, 09:01:19 AM »
From Pinside
Interesting Read

First off want to send a big shout out to hank for letting us beat up on his hulk pin last night. YOU ROCK BROSKY
Ok now to the goods of the machine. This is actually the first review I will have wrote in a long time for many reasons. Will break it down into several sections. If there is something I missed and you owuld like to ask?'s on please feel free guys. We played this machine all night last night.
Section 1 Artwork
The cabinet on hulk is very well done and looks very impressive in real life. My favorite was the backglass; it is mirrored but not too much like some other titles; which makes for a suddle but yet cool effect. The neatest thing though is the trim on hulk which is not liek your typical green but yet a metalic type green looks very well done. Also of not was the cool effect of the characters lit up on the apron. Ok playfield well digging the playfield it is a mix of movie and custom stuff. The colors on the playfield really stick out and the entire game is very striking and stunning.

Section 2 Music, Sound, and DMD animations, Light shows
Well lets start with the call outs becuase I know people have been bitching up a storm about these. The call outs are great and sound very well done; unlike xmen where I thought especially wolverine sounded uhh. The only one who sounds a little off is nick fury, but he is actually rather funny. But that is what makes this game so good with the call outs the humor and the way they coinside with the game. You will have to hear them for yourself but here are some prime examples; bonus counts, game over, and many other instances in the game where no other game has ever gone before with that aspect. I think once you play it guys you will truly be pleasently surprised with the call outs the way the group of us were that played it.
The music well what can I say but dang. The music in this game is top notch. Stern got someone new to do the music and you can tell. This game reminds me of some of the greats like LOTR and TROn when it comes to music; but even cooler is that it is all original music scores. LOKI multiball music is out of this world good along with the hulk theme music especially when you listen and lightly in the background you can here hulk smash. Even has badass end of game music too. Ok lets move on too animations. I am not going to lie the first time I saw the video I was like damn it; they freaking went back to split screen. Well they got this right too because they use a mixture of both; and they got it right meaning it fits into the game perfect and is a really cool the way they use it. You will definitley be able to tell when you play it. All the custom stuff is done veyr nice too; some examples; loki multiball stuff, hulk multiball, cap mode, and character mode clips. Ohh forgot to mention on sound too; first game in a long time you actually hear jackpot call outs. Please keep an eye out too for the badass replay animation. Lightshows well I dare you to fin any other game that has a lightshow like this game, because I have had and played everygame out there and no game comes even close. The light shows are just wow. The coolest thing is backboard full of flashers, but also how they use it during the game too and bonus counts as well. One mode comes to mind and that is black widow when the game goes to red. All of us just looked at ech other and were like damn. Seriously that cool. Love the bonnus counts to at end of all ball too. Game has a ton of flahsers it in it.

Section 3 Layout
Well let me just say if you plan on stepping up to this game and only putting a couple plays on it then you might not like it. Is that a bad thing no. It reminds me of no other game out there; that is right ti plays very unique. Here are some examples; mystery shot nick fury, black widow ramp, haw eye ramp, hulk saucer, captain america orbit, Iron Man orbit; ohh wait I just about named everyshot in the game. That is because the game is truly special in this department and is not a tron rehash or a t2 look a like   or even a rehash of lotr. The game is a monster that none oof us have conquered yet. You may be asking well how does it play; all I can say is fast and brutal no rest for your flipper hands when you are playing this mother   The cool thing about it; is how hard the shots are. It is a big challenge when playing this game. Although when you string together a combo like this; captain, hawkeye, black widow, lastly Iron Man. You are like did I just do that? Seriously this game is so different and innovative shoot wise it is just cool. Will take a little bit though for you to get used to the shots on the game. Also the ball lock and the tesseract are veyr neat. especially the crazy ball english that you get from the tesseract. Once again if you guys have some specfic ?'s on anything I will answer them as best I can.

Section 4 Rules and modes to the game
I will dive into this a little bit, but not too much because lets just say this game is by no means Monster Bash; meaning that it is hard and seems like when it is done there will be some great depth to it. I know everyone wants to know all about the modes, but those are tough. The entire night we were playing I was the only one to complete one character and that was hulk. Let me tell you hitting the hulk super jackpot shot is a bear of a time too. Ok we started all the characters but here is thing it seems like each character is going to have different levels to them; you may ask well what the hell does that mean all i can tell you is that it will not be shoot a character start their mode complete and you are done. Meaning lets take hawkeye for example. You have to hit him 4 times to start his one mode, but then you have to complete that to get to another mode and then after that i believe their is vs modes too. So lots of stuff to do for sure, but here is where the game is badass also. Cap, thor, hawkeye and loki mball all going at once it is like you are at war with the game. Love the way the game stacks modes so far. Ok I know in talking with george that Lyman has been hard at work on coding this beast. I am hoping he is working on such things like the tesseract having different modes to it. maybe adding another mball that you could stck with loki or hulk, also some other stuff I am sure, but if they polish off this code right this game will be something very special that we have not seen in a long time. Looked through the feature audits and seems like when the game is done it will be packed. Also of note though the code that is in it so far is still lots of fun to play. I will dive more into the rules after the code update comes on monday; which gomez says will be very big. I am sure that it will address the ball hang ups for hulk too.

In Conclusion
The game is very fast and action packed one bad motha. Go try it for yourself. Like I said if they get the code right on this thing which I am sure they will with Lyman working on it. This could be a magical game like LOTR. Seriously this game has a definite fun factor to it and is very unique in many ways
Now guys your mission
ohh yeah