I dropped the playfield in and plugged everything in, and........no display, no sound, two blown flipper fuses after a few seconds BUT, some very pretty lights! So was good to see it all lit up - unfortunately i'm not a good enough photographer to capture it, but this is a machine that LEDs really lend themselves to.
So after some board swapping, there must be an issue with the fliptronics board, display board and sound board - even though they powered up, they did not do their job. The sound sounded like farts in a bathtub trhough crackly speakers - swapped the sound board with a good one and it works fine, so assuming its something to do with the amp chip????
Anyway, since then i've had a few games - its super fast but plays perfectly (after a few minor switch adjustments). Very happy with the result and will try and throw a quick video up later
Enjoy the pics
You cna't see it here - but i put a mixture of blue and green LEDs in the topper and it looks great - also a red one in the fish's eye
Oh - and just for a giggle, here is the first couple of looks at the machine