gee there is some complainers on the JJP Woz forum site. dont get me wrong, there is alot of great people too, but its hard reading when someone is busting Jacks balls over the most minute thing known to man. one bloke asks about a woz manual from xmas, i mean he only waited 3 and a half months to complain about it not being ready at xmas.
I feel sorry for Jack, he has dozens upon dozens of people wanting to know the ins n outs of every finite thing known to man, people pressing for exact hours of exact days n dates, why this, why that, how come this, how come that, why did some other place know something before the Woz forum etc, its a wonder the poor bloke gets any work done, he must feel bombarded to buggery.
I reckon he will have a sigh of relief the size of a mountain the day the last woz rolls out the factory, then he will get bombarded to buggery again over code questions n updates n every other thing known to man.
He must be thinking this pinball malarky is one hell of a tough with very very hard task masters for the buyers.
I now know why Gary Stern has bright grey
Then there are the discussions about the toppers, and another million questions n people making suggestions on how it should be.
What ? ever happened to just opening the WOZ box and gettting a HUGE fun surprise.
Would u want to know every detail, or would u want everything to be a total surprise ? (me - I would want to be surprised).