I'm thinking this game will have many possibilities. The list of Toys is endless. Obviously the Thunderbirds themselves, and even Thunderbird 2 has a number of machines (inc Thunderbird 4).
Then you have the characters. Outside the Tracy Family, you have Brains, Korano, Tin Tin, Penelope, Parker (Yes Milady!). Obviously "The Hood" will be the bad guy.
Episodes - There's PLENTY of material to create a storyline and ruleset around. I've pulled out the box set and I'll have to watch them all again !
The target audience is the older generation, and lets face it, "who" didn't watch Thunderbirds every Sunday morning, followed by the Wrestling ? I think this is a fantastic theme full of potential that will appeal to my generation (old farts). I think the kids will get into the game once they play it.