Mylar removalWell - Not really "mylar" as we know it today. This is in fact "contact" - the exact adhesive used to cover schoolbooks. It is thinner, and has far less adhesive properties than the mylar used today. Over time, contact shrinks, and when that happens, the edges slowly curl upwards. Dirt usually finds its way under the lifting mylar. This machine was sitting without a playfield glass for well over 10 years. That could be why the contact was so "loose". Read on !
I keep referring to the infamous Solar Ride, as the contact was removed in 20 minutes. Yes 20 minutes, not 20 hours. Was it because of the fact there was no playfield glass ? It was stored in a building and not in direct sunlight. Removal was simple - No hair dryer, no chemicals. Just my fingers and and exacto knife. How did this happen ? I tried a test spot, and the mylar was hard - the adhesive was useless, and offerred little resistance, and NO paint lift.
Here's a typical mylared section - dirt, lift and breaks galore !
Top section - Look at the filth around the posts. Again - Typical.
Same section after the mylar was removed - The mylar was hard and same off easily in sections. Underneath was a pristine playfield
Look at those HUGE sections pealing off leasily - by hand !
How goods that !
Wait until you see the playfield AFTER the removal and cleaning process !