well theres actually more to this machine than i first thought - glad you posted!
This machine is hurting my head to fix - reason being is that it is a prototype.
There are only 200 plays on this game - credit wheel is a blank aluminium wheel - no numbers, instruction card has never been stapled to apron. Also this game HAS NEVER WORKED.
Going through the machine - the leaf switches are immaculate - never been adjusted, but each 3rd switch is misaligned. Ive adjusted these and it presents another problem - another row of leaf switches is not adjusted properly and so it goes on.
Now when a machine has never worked and was never right with no schematic - working out what the hell is going on is a nightmare!
BUT!!! I am nearly there - just missing current to one set of coils now and i should be home.
Now TRIPLE ACTION is a rare machine to have in any circumstance - but to have a prototype on my hands is a dream come true!
It is by far the rarest machine i own