Thanks for the info guys.
Looks like I should keep an eye out for a full mylared version as this one clearly wasn't with that kind of wear.
As rustalan says the machine certainly looks average to say the least, particularly with those wear spots all over the playfield.
I think I'll pass on this as chances are great there are much better examples out there.
Maybe the seller of this machine needs to look up the definition of "great" in the meantime.
1. of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average.
2. of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above average.
In the context of this machine, I would say it is "great" compared to the examples I've seen and worked on over the journey. As I mentioned earlier, this title was well played, and the one I have was operated until 1995. Even my original game will need playfield restoration, but I can't do without it for a prolonged period.