Author Topic: Spooky's 3rd Production Pin - Domino's Pizza  (Read 35775 times)

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Re: Spooky's 3rd Production Pin - Domino's Pizza
« on: March 03, 2016, 10:15:49 PM »
here is the update from Adam on Pinside

This will serve as the official Domino's pinball machine thread. We will provide periodic updates at the top of the thread and attempt to answer questions posed in the thread.


March 2 Update - Translite revealed as well as further art details. See below for email sent to pre-order persons and the interest list.

Good morning. Even though there have been no updates for a couple months, we have been hard at work on the Domino’s pinball machine. This email will serve as a both a recap and an update. We want these updates to be complete information so that folks do not have to look in multiple places. The big reveal in this email is that we have a final standard translite to unveil along with the artist responsible as well as our plan for future information releases.

To recap the facts so far:

Title: Domino’s Spectacular Pinball Adventure
Manufacturer: Spooky Pinball, LLC (
Designer: Charlie Emery
Cost: Between $4,700 and $5,500 depending on final bill of materials (BOM). All additional amounts received by Domino’s above the actual BOM will be donated to Domino’s Partners Foundation.
Models: Limited Edition model (75 - all sold) and Standard Model (no set limit on the production yet, TBD)
Model Differences: Limited Edition model will have additional art, cabinet and decorative aspects but no difference in playfield or gameplay between the models
Production Start: 2nd half of 2016, hopefully by the end of the Summer
Production Estimates: As fast as Spooky Pinball can manufacture a quality product while not taking away from any of their other pinball production. Spooky will be setting up a new 2nd production line to handle the Domino’s machine orders
Full Reveal: Spooky Pinball has booked their travel to be in attendance along with thousands of Domino’s team members at the Domino’s Pizza World Wide Rally in Las Vegas from June 19-22 to set up a prototype machine in the Domino’s Partners Foundation booth for all attendees to see and play
Additional Video Reveal: Spooky and Domino’s are working together to arrange a potential streaming video event from World Wide Rally for all those interested, more on this to come in the future
Cabinet: Standard body with similar dimensions to the other Spooky Pinball machines
Display: Full color LED display similar to the Rob Zombie’s Spookshow International pinball display from Spooky Pinball
Music: Custom music composed specially for the game
Modes: 3 overall game arcs with multiple modes within each: (1) Employee/Franchisee Modes, (2) Operations Modes and (3) Noid Battles. Mini-wizard modes at the end of each game arc along with multiple wizard modes
Noid?: Heck yes!

New Information:

Backglass/Translite and Playfield Art: Our initial plan was to utilize internal resources to produce the artwork on the game but the people who would have helped with this project are also extremely busy getting ready for the World Wide Rally with their official job duties. So Spooky and Domino’s contracted with Scott Gullicks of Riot Pinball ( to produce the standard translite, the playfield and plastics artwork and an alternate translite. As many of you know, Scott designed and manufactured the Wrath of Olympus pinball machine, has done artwork for games on the P3 pinball platform and has produced some other incredible pinball-related art. Spooky Pinball also worked with Scott as a supplier for Wrath of Olympus. We love Scott’s style and were determined to make this machine not only a representation of Domino’s and its history but also really good pinball art. We think Scott produced an incredible piece of art that captures the history and spirit of the Domino’s brand while working with the Domino's design team and staying within the boundaries of our style guide and brand message.

Below is a low resolution copy of the artwork to hopefully make it through everyone’s email filters. You’ll see that we included items from the 55+ year history of the brand; the founder, Tom Monaghan, the first store in Ypsilanti, Michigan, a representative early delivery car, the Noid, other past mascots, old logos, an old marketing slogan, etc.

Scott has now turned his attention to drawing the playfield and plastics in the same general style and will then produce an alternative translite that will be a bit more edgy and dark. We are unsure if we will release the playfield art or the alternate translite before World Wide Rally.

Cabinet Artwork: In addition, as a result of the pinball art contest we ran, we received many cool and creative concepts and ideas for the game. We awarded the prizes as detailed in the contest but the grand prize winner was so dedicated, creative and enthusiastic about the project that we decided to contract with him to produce the full cabinet artwork as well as help with overall game design. Blake Dumesnil ( and BD_Designs on Pinside) is a professional graphic artist at NASA’s Johnson Space Center and pinball enthusiast from Houston, Texas who has almost completed the cabinet artwork for the machine. The cabinet will revealed in the very near future.

This team that has come together to make this machine is excited and energized by the Domino’s brand and the pinball machine as a representation of the Domino’s system. More to come as things are finalized and as we get closer to World Wide Rally. If you have any specific questions or would like to get information on ordering, please email

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