Author Topic: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010  (Read 2555 times)

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2009, 02:34:39 PM »
Well i got free reign of all the pins at 8.30am - only one not working - Centaur... which actually was the one i wanted to play most.

There was not a pin that didnt get constant use throughout the whole day - honestly.. as one player finished - another took their place. Those machines were running hot.

As i walked round i smelt one burnt transistor from a locked on coil. Most machines if you had been there at the end of sat night had tickets on them stating - out of credits. The techs could not get to the machines due to the amount of people present.
 Centaur kept blowing solenoid fuse - not enough time to fix it despite a new coil being put in place - only machine to not work at all.

Lack of air flow - my fault... i had the side door right next to me and i deliberately had it shut to stop the bloody wind blowing all my stuff about and to prevent non payers from entering.
 Stale air - Wottos fart.
 Commercial guys were invited but had to contribute to set up costs - this was declined.
 Did Expo make a profit?? I doubt it but i dont know
 Did i?? No friggin way..... but theres a year ahead yet and from the interest ive had POST Expo - it will pay itself and then more.

 Within 2 hours of expo being open i asked Rian if next year meant a bigger venue - the answer was a definate YES!

Expo is here to stay.. have been talking to Michael this morning... and ill be on my stall next year and it will be full of merchandise