I think what bidder u****e has done here is this:
He placed his bid of $610 and was leading the bidding but with his maximum bid so it would have only taken one more bid and he would have been out-bid . He later put on the bid of $1000 + to give himself some leeway if someone else bid . After he bid this amount he would have still been winning the auction at $610 but now he wouldn't be outbid unless someone went above his $1000+ bid . The bidder who ended up winning did exactly that in the final seconds of the auction so they ended up winning it for one bid over u****e's maximum.
I think that bidder u****e was genuine as you can tell from his bid amounts which are just above a round $ amount . It's the auctions where you see a lot of bids for $599.99 etc. that are sus . If you was to bid that much and someone was to bid $600 even they would outbid you .