Author Topic: Adding custom mods - pics/picaxe processors etc.  (Read 769 times)

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Marty Machine

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Re: Adding custom mods - pics/picaxe processors etc.
« on: December 07, 2008, 06:30:10 PM »
I'll do multiball sometime soon.

Firstly i'm just adding some extra lights and colour around the playfield that are triggered from various targets and spinners (flashing).
At the moment the game is pretty low-key when i hit certain targets i get a sound fx and a score change but nothing really gives feedback like a flashing light to visually confirm a hit was made.
(adds more impact to the sound fx too).

It makes the targets more exciting to hit now when a whole lot more lights and things flash and carry on accordingly.

Some lights will be simple, just triggered on the switching matrix, while others will go into some logic or a pic processor and do something a little more clever while working alongside existing lights and driver signals.
