Hey Homepin,,
Some useful info for you.....
The missing "chime" was your "knocker" for when you get a replay or special etc.
The silver flecks of paint or black stringing etc were put on a lot of machines that were stenciled... the idea was that it detracted the eye from stencil overspray or registration mistakes. In other words - the stencilling was not a perfect method and each machine will be slightly different, the flecks "broke up" the joins in the various layers of paint.
NICE machine BTW!!!
Thanks for the info - I guessed that was the idea behind the 'flecks'.
The free game knocker is actually inside the front door. In the backbox is a bell about 100mm in diameter. The circuit diagram shows a single chime coil rather than the 3 I might have expected so I really do believe it is where the chime unit used to be. This would be in keeping with the circuit diagram. Anyway - I guess I'll find out soon enough when I crank it up! I'll keep you posted.
When I was repairing these games many moons ago we often removed the chimes units as shop owners would complain about the repetitive noise.