Having to lose at least 1 ball to progress through the game is certainly not unique to Lady Luck.
Going through my own games... 1950 NASCO BINGO BANGO - you HAVE to lose 2 balls minimum AFTER a certain sequence is made ( B-I-N-G-O B-A-N-G-O). The balls then have to go through both left and right drain lanes.. without accomplishing this.. its impossible to get SPECIAL to light and also extra points award
http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=297&picno=22228Also Harvey from 1951 - 2 balls MUST drain through centre lanes 5 and 6 in order to enable SPECIAL.
http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=1132&picno=10706In both these games 2 balls must drain in the appropriate lanes... extra ball or add a ball aint on these machines