Sounds like some progress is being made - which is great. I find Point 3 a little strange;
3. the customs/quarrantine people have fumigated the machine for international shipping but the pallet the machine had been placed on, was not fumigated/acceptable so another plastic/resin heat treated quarrantine friendly pallet had to be swapped out. The machine had to be half unpacked/restraped to the new pallet etc. this took time. new paperwork had to be submitted etc.
Fumigation is done when the machine arrives in Port. You CAN have it fumigated at the port of origin, but if the fumigation service is not approved by AQIS, they will request it be fumigated again to Australian standards. You should confirm with the Freight Forwarder - If they fill out the paperwork correctly - the "Declaration of Packaging", then it is quite possible that it will not have to be fumigated.
Bottom line - It is your choice on whether the game is fumigated. If they say it is fumigated - request the paperwork. They can provide you a PDF within hours.