I've made HEAPS of progress on the underside of the playfield and tonight started rebuilding the topside. I'm VERY pleased with the progress, even though it is just the playfield and I have plenty to go - it is coming together nicely.
I've rebuilt the Drop Target assemblies and I thought it would be a good idea to cover the individual targets with mylar. It was a step I wanted to finish before installing the target banks.
All four flippers have been rebuilt with rebuild kits
All contacts have been cleaned with alcohol and a toothbrush fine scotchbrite
Lane switches have been tumbled and installed
Side supports have been sanded and the metal guide polished
Anything made of metal that fit in the tumber, was tumbled
Stepper unit was completely rebuilt
All moving assemblies cleaned / tumbled etc..
All coil sleeves replaced - except DT - Need to order
Here's a picture of the underside od the playfield with the final step being the replacement of the DT sleeves and reassembly on to the DT assembly
Just a quick picture of the topside to ensure I have all the parts, and to get an idea of what I need to order
Playfield is almost done - I just need to check on a few things and I'll post some completed pictures.