After a week of being clamped and looking like this ;
It was time to remove the clamps. All I used was liquid nails, a square and mallet to get the front section back on. After the clamps were removed, the cabinet was already stable and ready for me to continue the repair.
Now I've removed the old wooden braces that held the front section to the sides. It was originally glued in with some long wood staples. Of course, most of this originally fitting was removed for the repairs (installation of the metal braces). I've used some hardwood timber I found at bunnings, which is really good for this application
So I cut it to size and then I have to level the area where the leg bolt plates are fitted. This was done with a rasp and then a finer wood file. Of course this is only done at the bottom half of the brace. Again - I use Liquid Nails.
Looks like this;
It will now sit for 3 days before I complete the job - which is simply to re enforce with nails and then drill the holes where the legbolts will fit through.