If you really want to import some earlier pins, why not do it yourself combined with a bunch of like-minded enthusiasts?
flights to and from location to source pins
accommodation while on trip to source pins
cost of packing pins and transporting to shipping port
shipping including cost of container and any import duties
anything else I've missed?
We know you can fit 36 pins in a container maybe plus some parts, so divide above costs by 36, and add to actual cost of pin. Find 35 other people (or less if you want more than one) to give you (most of) the money up-front, fly across to the right location and start loading a container. Hmm, this could be the hard part!! I guess there is a bit to learn about importing and getting hold of a container - but it might be worth it.
Thats why you need "spotters" overseas - i have 2 in USA