I am one of those KISS (keep it simple stupid) sort of guys. And Lazy, so the following LED kits with maps are very appealing. Check them out !There is a guy in Germany, who sells on ebay, a "set" of LED's per machine. He sends you a whack of LED"s and a large playfield placement map and tells u which colour n which style of LED to put where. He has done this style of kit for 2 x dozen machines. All the well known, popular titles. This is the part where we are lazy, and he has bothered to make a "placement map" that has helped him sell a whack of LED kits. What we need are a list of our own placement maps.
check out his site anyway below
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Tales-Of-The-Arabian-Nights-pinball-Flipper-LED-KIT_W0QQitemZ190345880502QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomaten?hash=item2c517fa3b6But, i dont like promoting anyone overseas and really only like promoting aussie companies like Mark C. I know some people have used cointaker in the USA for Led's, but since Mark has now got them, i am assuming there is no need to go overseas.
Maybe our aussie sellers need to make these placement maps.
They will sell LED kits for sure i reckon. What say you other members ? !!