One of the reasons sellers dont list prices, is when a buyer wants to buy a pinball machine, it can be ordered in different ways, which can change the price dramatically. Does the seller list 4 different prices next to the machine ?
example Indianna Jones
Indianna Jones Unshopped- straight off the container - no plug/power supply changes or checks (X price $$$$)
Indianna Jones Unshopped - all faults rectified- but dot matrix with missing lines (X price $$$$)
Indianna Jones Fully Shopped - all faults rectified -all new new rubbers/globes/new legs/new dot matrix (X price $$$$)
Indianna Jones Fully Shopped - all faults rectified - new everything incl new coindoor- fully redecalled with new cabinet decals etc (X price $$$$)
Indianna Jones Fully shopped with LEDS everywhere (X price $$$$)
So its not that simple to just list one price.
Thats why most sellers list their stock available without prices, because everyone wants their pin a certain way. A simple email or phone call to any seller will provide an answer to your specific enquiry and requirements. Hope that helps.