Parts arrived for makeover from Mark-PSP.
The reason this MAKEOVER is DIFFERENT, is that I am CHANGING ALOT of the factory playfield/parts/colours to what the factory should have done in my opinion.
Bright n vibrant yellows will replace boring blacks. Whites will replace boring blacks for the rubber kit. Red/yellow/blue domes will replace boring white/clear domes etc.
Also, when a ball goes thru the ramp gate, the dome will now be red to match the large red playfield inserts that flash factory red, instead of boring white.
The stickered targets on the playfield will be changed from boring teal green n blue to bright yellow n black.
When the pop bumpers go off, 3 large inserts flash bright yellow, so i have added a yellow stand up target in that area, supported by now yellow cliffys etc to replace the boring n broken factory white target. Big visual difference here.
I will change all cliffys/post sleeves etc to bright yellow instead of boring black.
Rubber kit will be now white.
Flipper bats to new white with yellow rubbers.
I have already changed all playfield bulbs to various coloured LEDS. What a difference. Changed alot of the colours from boring factory white n teal green to NOW BRIGHT LEDS, ALL DIFFERENT COLOURS, but it looks so much better.(video at the end of the makeover)
Anyway, time to clean, strip the playfield for a treasure cove polish, new visual parts to be added, 1 x flipper kit, flame polish the ramp, n generally bring the machine to life with colour. I am also changing the factory spinner target/stickers to yellow n black. Basically, anything target wise will now be bright yellow n black.
I am also adding a strobe light in behind the spinning fan-factory topper.