I a little baffled and please excuse any ignorance but how is this considered good news for the Australian market? Being in the states I see this as a possible positive for us (especially considering the exchange rate and the high cost of shipping from overseas is bad) but I would think that when a business leaves a country that it's not usually considered good news for that country.
The bigger picture is the "hobby" and "industry" has been compromised because of the fact that back in 2004, when the rights were bought to Australia, there were a lot of promises made (parts AND Machines) that NEVER happened.
It is not considered "bad news for the Aussie market" because the rights are now back where they belong where they will be used responsibly to create BETTER supply and service to ALL hobbyists and Industry people.
The GOOD that came out of this era, especially in the last 3 years is that the Competition for spare parts in Australia has sky rocketed. Mainly thanks to PSPA and RTBB (site sponsors) who drove the prices down. Now the AUS$ is almost in parity with the US$, so the news just keeps getting better.
Now worried at all that the rights have gone back to the USA. What I'm hearing is that sleeves are being rolled up and there's more work and less hot air. This can only benefit ALL hobbyists and industry people.