Here's another tip that may help with future GI issues on WPC games
Across all WPC generations (WPC, WPC-S, WPC-95), WMS used 5 GI strings.
The strings are colored - brown, orange, yellow, green and violet
Each string has 2 wires - one solid, and one striped - so brown, and white with brown stripe, for example.
One connector supplies the backbox insert, one connector supplies the playfield. It's done this way so you can completely remove either part by itself if needed.
Not all games used all 5 strings on the playfield, or on the backbox. Some games used 3 strings on the playfield, and 3 on the backbox, or all on the playfield, and one on the backbox etc.
The connectors should always be pinned as follows, *if* the wire exists in the GI plug. Manuals are wrong often, so it's easier to just write down this standard than it is to look it up in a manual you may or may not have, or try to find a PDF.
Pin 1- Brown
Pin 2 - Orange
Pin 3 - Yellow
Pin 4 - Key
Pin 5 - Green
Pin 6 - Violet
Pin 7 - White-Brown
Pin 8 - White -Orange
Pin 9 - White-Yellow
Pin 10 - White-Green
Pin 11 - White-Violet
Enjoy your WW - it's one of the favorites here!