Dam Dam Dam, I just threw out 3 x data east cabinets to the tip.
Ring Rob from Bikecity, as he often has empty cabinets for sale for around $50 each. I purchased 3 x cabinets from him for some projects but decided the spare cabinets took up too much room and I got rid of them. Rob from Bikecity or Mark C is your best bet. Hope it helps.
No worries mate, I am kicking myself that I didn't buy some of them when they were on eBay as well.
The Hook machine is ALIVE. Got the flippers working today after changing a few transistors on the flipper board, replaced two fuses holders, installed 2 x flipper coils that I had laying aorund and the machine is very very playable. Need a few switch adjustments here and there, outhole kicker plunger, couple of coil stops and a spring washer and hopefully that will be majority of stuff. There are a few lights out which hopefully I can sort out easily enough.
Here is a bit of an idea what was under the grunge. I am about 2/3 of the way through a quick strip and clean.