Thanks for the comments, much appreciated.
To continue on, I need to give some background info. I purchased enough parts (as described earlier in this thread) to build 2 Nucore systems. One for my RFM and the other for a non working RFM I picked up cheap last year. My aim is to convert the non working RFM to a SW:E1 and sell off the 2nd RFM playfield. As I purchased a SW:E1 playfield kit about 10 years ago, shit! was it really that long ago!?
Since my last post, I have one Nucore system ready to install. All the Ubuntu & Nucore software has been successfully installed. That system now boots up to the Nucore playfield selection screen, ready to roll.
During the process of the first software installation, I ran into a problem immediately following my last posting here. The next thread will describe the problem I encountered and what was done to successfully resolve it. I'm installing the software to the second system as I put this thread together.