Weed of crime sent me a pm about the DMD cutting out and I think that "loose wire" may not be an accurate decription of the problem.
This is from
http://www.pinrepair.com/de/index3.htm#dots"On the four games (Maverick, Frankenstein, Baywatch, and Batman Forever) with the super-size 192x64 dot matrix display, there have been some problems. With age, the large dot matrix display may "blank out", or cause the game to reset intermittently. The dot matrix display controller board (#520-5092-1) has its own 68000 micro processor, which runs at 12 mHz. It operates best with logic +5 volts right at 5.0 volts! Any drop in voltage (to even 4.9 volts) can cause the display CPU to shut down or reset. As these games get older, the connectors fatique, and small amounts of resistance appear. Or the grounding strap going to the display board can become loose. These problems can cause the +5 volts fed to the display to drop enough to cause problems".