Author Topic: Gottlieb Surf Champ / Surfer Spinner Art  (Read 2997 times)

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Offline Wotto

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Re: Gottlieb Surf Champ / Surfer Spinner Art
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2011, 08:42:01 PM »
Thanks Swinks - I will see tonight if those colour matches are available in P'shop mate  ^^^

Steve - here is the image I mentioned earlier today.....
There are 70 'points' to make up the outside path - remember - these all started as straight lines between each point.
I also have the opacity of the colour / white at 100% in this image

Here is the same image slightly altered.

I dropped the opacity to ZERO so you just see the path.
If you have your 'add anchor point tool' selected and click a point you get the 'handles' ( the long lines with the dark ends sticking out )

You grab ( click and drag ) the handle in/ out , left , right etc and the line changes shape
Note - in the example below I grabbed that left handle and just swung it to the left and down a bit and you see how the curve in that section changes.
You can also move the original point that you created to help make your shape.
You have to do that for the whole path.

Now in the next shot you can see how I use zero opacity with the original image behind my path so I can match the shapes edge nucely.

To practice or get used to this start a new file and simply draw a circle with your elipse tool, go to your pen tool and select the add anchor point tool' and click some points on the circle, then click drag and see how it all works.

DW Drums rule !