What was the BIN price?
$600, Some people crack me up.
Why would you bid at $300 (and probably believe you will get it for that) and not just take the $600 BIN and run.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people will take the low bid instead of a very fair BIN, in the end they never win the item.
141 feedback bidder, should know better.
This machine sure looks dirty but have a look at the backglass, it looks very good from the photo.
What do you guys think it will sell for?
I think it will easily go past the $600 BIN price, maybe $1200??????
I agree 100%. Looks like its been taken out of a shed or estate etc...Always a gamble but at $600.00 was a very fair BIN price. I think it would have gone around the $1000 mark.
Someone just snagged it for $600. Seller was obviously impatient !
Definitely one of the better System 1 games, and that is a fair price. Spend $500 - $600 and you have (what appears to be) a bargain.
Well hopefully it went to a deserving member on here. Glad the seller was reasonable.
http://offer.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&_trksid=p4340.l2565&item=170692385801Bid was retracted.