Author Topic: Parts prices going up?  (Read 861 times)

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Re: Parts prices going up?
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:52:47 AM »

we def need a election.. the current goverment is hurting us all.. the general public and business is being drained of all the cash..

but at least we arent as bad as europe.. there is some serious probs there..

the biggest issue with the amusement industry is we are so small.. the suppliers that do parts machines etc are tiny.. some only have a hand full of staff and recycle everything they can.. raw thrills and global vr use the same steering pcb and drivers.. sadly the system they use at that good..

if you play the namo or sega product they are much better.. bu there is a 20k price difference in some games.

but the volume of play isnt there to justify some of the more expensive games..

some of the part guys arent carrying anything for games either.. when the resale value of a gun game can drop 40k in 2 years.. hard to find the money to fix it let alone paying it off

but i hope we can all keep going on keep australia going well