Ok, latest update on the world cup. Power board returned today, installed and success. The machine powers up, sound works. Thank you Nino, your blood is worth bottling.
Had some issues with displays initially. After further playing around discovered the following. Master display works fine. 2 displays work perfectly. (I did not realize each set of cables is wired for each output) silly me. One display is complete dead no power at all, and the 4th display only displays "LLLL" so I am thinking this display is not working also. I was one cable short, so I will picking it up tomorrow. I have managed to source some more displays O/S so I am thinking about getting them.
I also managed to source a set of plastics for the machine as well as the strange post that was missing from the spinner, so the play field will now also be complete. The only thing left now to my knowledge is to replace some missing coils and knocker and machine will be complete.
Will let you know. Thank again for the help and advice and I will thank you prematurely for the future advice :)